2012-06-01 25 views


<?php $this->widget('ext.yii-facebook-opengraph.plugins.LoginButton', array(
'oauth'=>true, // JS SDK -enable OAuth 2.0 
)); ?> 


<?php $userinfo = Yii::app()->facebook->getInfo() // gets the Graph info of the current user ?> 

but it gives me error 
Property "LoginButton.oauth" is not defined. 

i am follwing this url to http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/facebook-opengraph/ 

請確保您已按照擴展頁面上的說明進行配置並正確配置。確保配置中的組件數組中的oauth設置爲true。 – Orlymee




    'class' => 'ext.yii-facebook-opengraph.SFacebook', 
    'appId'=>'YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID', // needed for JS SDK, Social Plugins and PHP SDK 
    'secret'=>'YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET', // needed for the PHP SDK 
    //'locale'=>'en_US', // override locale setting (defaults to en_US) 
    //'jsSdk'=>true, // don't include JS SDK 
    //'async'=>true, // load JS SDK asynchronously 
    //'jsCallback'=>false, // declare if you are going to be inserting any JS callbacks to the async JS SDK loader 
    //'status'=>true, // JS SDK - check login status 
    //'cookie'=>true, // JS SDK - enable cookies to allow the server to access the session 
    //'oauth'=>true, // JS SDK -enable OAuth 2.0 
    //'xfbml'=>true, // JS SDK - parse XFBML/html5 Social Plugins 
    //'html5'=>true, // use html5 Social Plugins instead of XFBML 
    //'ogTags'=>array( // set default OG tags 