行附加到數組外並將這些行追加到數組的開頭。那麼,這將是一個簡單的例子,使用非常高效的NumPy strides
訣竅領先的高達將支持在代碼向前和向後跨步會是這個樣子的最終目標 -
def strided_axis0_backward(inArr, L = 2):
# a : Input array
# L : Length along rows to be cut to create per subarray
# Append the last row to the start. It just helps in keeping a view output.
a = np.vstack((inArr[-L+1:], inArr))
# Store shape and strides info
m,n = a.shape
s0,s1 = a.strides
# Length of 3D output array along its axis=0
nd0 = m - L + 1
strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
return strided(a[L-1:], shape=(nd0,L,n), strides=(s0,-s0,s1))
def strided_axis0_forward(inArr, L = 2):
# a : Input array
# L : Length along rows to be cut to create per subarray
# Append the last row to the start. It just helps in keeping a view output.
a = np.vstack((inArr , inArr[:L-1]))
# Store shape and strides info
m,n = a.shape
s0,s1 = a.strides
# Length of 3D output array along its axis=0
nd0 = m - L + 1
strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
return strided(a[:L-1], shape=(nd0,L,n), strides=(s0,s0,s1))
樣品運行 -
In [42]: inArr
array([[1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6]])
In [43]: strided_axis0_backward(inArr, 2)
array([[[1, 2],
[5, 6]],
[[3, 4],
[1, 2]],
[[5, 6],
[3, 4]]])
In [44]: strided_axis0_forward(inArr, 2)
array([[[1, 2],
[3, 4]],
[[3, 4],
[5, 6]],
[[5, 6],
[1, 2]]])
運行試驗 -
In [53]: inArr = np.random.randint(0,9,(1000,10))
In [54]: %timeit make_timesteps(inArr, 2)
...: %timeit strided_axis0_forward(inArr, 2)
...: %timeit strided_axis0_backward(inArr, 2)
10 loops, best of 3: 33.9 ms per loop
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.1 µs per loop
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.2 µs per loop
In [55]: %timeit make_timesteps(inArr, 10)
...: %timeit strided_axis0_forward(inArr, 10)
...: %timeit strided_axis0_backward(inArr, 10)
1 loops, best of 3: 152 ms per loop
100000 loops, best of 3: 12 µs per loop
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.1 µs per loop
In [56]: 152000/12.1 # Speedup figure
Out[56]: 12561.98347107438
In [417]: inArr = np.random.randint(0,9,(1000,10))
In [418]: L = 10
In [419]: %timeit np.vstack((inArr[-L+1:], inArr))
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.41 µs per loop
非常感謝 - 這確實有所幫助,我曾看過as_strided,但直到您的示例和鏈接都無法理解它!爲了獲得相同的順序,我用第一行加上最後一行,然後在第一行上加上np.flip。我編輯了這個問題來顯示我的最終代碼。 – nickyzee
@nickyzee我不認爲我明白你爲什麼需要'翻轉「。你的'make_timesteps'是正確的,因爲我編碼試圖產生與'make_timesteps'相同的結果。用你的翻頁建議,我的代碼產生的結果與'make_timesteps'不同。澄清這一點? – Divakar
有趣 - 翻轉是需要做出相同的輸出,因爲我從原來的。目視檢查輸出也證實了這一點。不知道爲什麼 - numpy @ latest和py3.5 - 我原來的返回數組([[[1,2], [3,4]], [[3,4], [5,6]] , [[5,6], [7,8], [[7,8], [1,2]]])' – nickyzee