2016-04-20 68 views


a=[1 3 4 7 8];b = nchoosek(a,3);b = 

1  3  4 
1  3  7 
1  3  8 
1  4  7 
1  4  8 
1  7  8 
3  4  7 
3  4  8 
3  7  8 
4  7  8 

我需要的所有可能的子集,如: 4 3 3 1,7 1,...




a = [1 3 4]; 
k = 2; 

%// Generate all permutations of the index values corresponding to the input 
%// We use the index rather than the values of a to ensure that they are unique 
P = perms(1:numel(a)); 

%// Select the first k columns and find the unique rows 
P = unique(P(:,1:k), 'rows'); 

%// Now grab these elements from a 
b = a(P); 

%//  1  3 
%//  1  4 
%//  3  1 
%//  3  4 
%//  4  1 
%//  4  3 

'perms'只能從5列表中挑選3個項目,但是? – Dan


我的意思是n!/(n-k)!不是全部! – masih


@Suever,感謝您的幫助 – masih