$('.myButton').click(function() {
var vStr = "2.1";
var vULSize = $("#uSPStyle li:not(li li)").size();
var vULSubSize;
if (vStr.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
var vSplit = vStr.split(".");
var vFirst = vSplit[0];
var vSecond = vSplit[1];
console.log(vFirst); //first number
console.log(vSecond); //second number
console.log(vULSize); //size of the parent UL
if (vFirst <= vULSize) { //if the first number is less than or equal to the parent UL size
//{need help}remove 'current' class from the existing parent LI
$("#uSPStyle li:eq(" + vFirst + ")").addClass("current"); //{need help}add the 'current' class to the parent LI
vULSubSize = ""; //{need help}get the size of the sub UL inside the above LI
if (vSecond <= vULSubSize) { //if the number is less than or equal to the size of the sub UL
$("#uSPStyle li:eq(" + vFirst + ")").find("ul").slideToggle(); //{need help}expand the sub UL inside the LI
$("#uSPStyle li:eq(" + vFirst + ")").find("ul li:eq(" + vSecond + ")").addClass("current"); //{need help}add the 'current class to the sub UL LI
$('.dispArtBody').addClass('hideContent'); //{need help}hide all content
var element = $("#uSPStyle li:eq(" + vFirst + ")").find("ul li:eq(" + vSecond + ")").attr("data-toggle"); //{need help}get the class of the LI which corresponds to the body class
$(element).removeClass('hideContent'); //{need help}show that content which corresponds to the element
else {
//{need help}remove 'current' class from the existing parent LI
$("#uSPStyle li:eq(" + vFirst + ")").addClass("current"); //{need help}add the 'current' class to the parent LI
$('.dispArtBody').addClass('hideContent'); //{need help}hide all content
var element = $("#uSPStyle li:eq(" + vFirst + ")").attr("data-toggle"); //{need help}get the class of the LI which corresponds to the body class
$(element).removeClass('hideContent'); //{need help}show that content which corresponds to the element
那麼「照顧」 LI
級和「BC」 LI
類。 「我們的鏈路」LI
類,應該顯示<div class="tf1SLink2 dispArtBody hideContent"><tf1SText02>This is for second link sublink 1</tf1SText02></div>
,因爲它對應於UL UL的第二LI的子UL的第一LI。
請幫我完成上面的腳本來完成。 removeClass和addClass對我來說根本不起作用。
如果我改變VSTR 1.1它不工作。 :/ – Si8
如何將'current'類分配給UL的子LI? ($ liqu):eq(「+ vFirst +」)「)。find(」a「)。closest(」li「)。children(」ul li:eq(「+ vSecond +「)」)。find(「a」)。eq(0).addClass(「current」);'不適合我。 BC(當前課程)和OUR LINK(當前課程)。該腳本用於OUR LINK。 – Si8
請參閱我的編輯以獲得第一條評論。在子目錄中加入'.current'應該遵循完全相同的程序,仔細記錄下我的結尾段落 – enigma