在Set finder = .Find(clientName, LookIn:=xlValue, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
注意事項: 1)變量CLIENTNAME是一個標準的字符串時,傳遞到該函數被正確重視。 2)我在查找行之前添加contactsMaster.Activate
行來測試工作表對象,並且它正確地激活到表單,這導致我相信它與表單或工作簿的名稱無關(我使用getBook = Activeworkbook.Name
,但這也沒有改變任何內容。 4)數據存儲在列A到C中。每個單元一個客戶端名稱。此函數旨在通過客戶端名稱來標準化命名約定方法,以便我可以使用相同的約定從任何宏中查找文件。 5)最初我認爲在錯誤行上使用.Address
Function GetClientName(clientName As String) As String
'Gets specific client name to save excel file in a standardized format to be found easily
'Sets Objects/vars
Dim finder As Range
Dim location As Long
Dim contactsMaster As Worksheet
Set contactsMaster = Workbooks("EEB MACRO DEVELOPMENT BOOK").Sheets("Contacts Master")
With contactsMaster.Range("A1:C1000")
Set finder = .Find(clientName, LookIn:=xlValue, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
End With
'Prevents error for not finding client in contacts master
If finder Is Nothing Then
GoTo endFunc
End If
location = finder.Row
GetClientName = contactsMaster.Cells(location, 1)
Exit Function
GetClientName = clientName
End Function
的感謝!知道這是愚蠢和小事。我很感激 – StormsEdge
@StormsEdge - 不用擔心!由於*看起來正確,我認爲這肯定是一些拼寫錯誤或濫用這些限定詞。很高興很簡單! – BruceWayne