一直在尋找對谷歌/各種其他網站有一段時間了...... 梗概: 無法序列化/反序列化對象,錯元素類型或空節點(om_element.c)。 生成的代碼: xsi_type_attri = axiom_attribute_create (env, "type", "LocomotiveInformationTransaction", xsi_ns);
//The following line re
考慮下面的代碼段: ret_node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(svc_client, env, payload);
//Send request to an Axis2 Server from an Axis2C Client which consumes the service.
我使用內置的Apache庫AXIS2C頂部的Staff Library實現服務,我打算是無狀態的。 據我所知,服務是否是有狀態的(即「whether the interaction of client and server involves the server keeping track of the interaction-specific data as each subsequent in