我在我的服務器上部署我的rails應用程序與puma和capistrano時遇到問題。另外我使用 https://mattbrictson.com/build-and-deploy-a-rails-vps-part-2 作爲參考指南 但是當我嘗試運行bundle exec cap production deploy 我會收到以下錯誤信息: The deploy has failed with an
我正試圖在卡皮斯特拉諾的數字海洋上部署一個Rails應用程序,我有困難時期。我得到這個 00:00 git:check
01 git ls-remote [email protected]:paaggeli/mutetale.git HEAD
01 Permission denied (publickey).
01 fatal: Could not read from
我上運行此任務收到錯誤: 任務:TOP =>部署:資產:預編譯 Error:
The deploy has failed with an error: Exception while executing as [email protected]**.**.**.***: rake exit status: 1
這裏是我的Capfile: require 'capistrano/setup'