鑑於這種情況下中間結果: open import IO
open import Data.String
open import Data.Unit
open import Coinduction
A : Set
f : String → A
g₁ g₂ : A → String
比方說,我想let實現類似 foo : IO ⊤
我試圖編寫一個Coq函數,它需要一個Stream和一個謂詞並返回,作爲list,該屬性擁有的流的最長前綴。這是我有: Require Import List Streams.
Require Import Lt.
Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Section TakeWhile.
Context {A : Ty
我使用: $ coqtop -v
The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.4pl5 (February 2015)
compiled on Feb 06 2015 17:44:41 with OCaml 4.02.1
予定義的下列CoInductive類型,stream: $ coqtop
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