我想寫出類似下面的東西: // I will pass in a number of "properties" specified as strings that I want modified
string[] properties = new [] { "AllowEdit", "AllowDelete" };
// Casting the component I'm using to
當在調試編譯器(主要)C#編寫的,我注意到了以下問題,我試圖映射到一個簡化的代碼片斷: public class Program
public abstract class Base
public abstract void foo();
public class A : Base
public over
給定HTML主體,是否有任何功能可以讓用戶自動提取從大塊HTML中出現的前10個關鍵字,不包括任何HTML標記(IE只是純文本)? 它應該忽略常用單詞如「和」,「是」,「但」等,但列出最常見的非常見單詞。 示例輸入: Mary had a <strong>snow</strong> lamb. <img src=lamb.jpg /> The <i>lamb</i> was snow white,