我試圖Plone的安裝到我的Ubuntu 14.04,但是install.sh給我的錯誤: Installing instance. Getting distribution for 'Pillow==1.7.8'.
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.hgignore'
warning: no prev
考慮這個簡單的小例子: from traits.api import Instance, Str, HasTraits
class Person(HasTraits):
name = Str("hooked")
class Chair(HasTraits):
sitting = Instance(Person)
t = Chair()
print t.sittin
我經常發現自己在這種情況下: class A:...
@on_trait_change('a')##I would really like to be able to do this
def do_something(...)
我認爲目前這觸發如果你對類的全部復位。例如B = B()。 b.a = A()應該觸