我有一個表,貸款申請,其POJO是 class LoanApplication{
int id;
int loanNo;
我還有一個POJO class LoanFlow{
int id;
int loanId;
date reviewDate;
我很新的hibernate我有一個MySQL Query,我想用Hibernate criteria MySQL查詢才達到相同的輸出: SELECT *,
(case when status = 'Active'
then 'Can Login'
else 'Not able to login' end) as LoginStatus
FROM UserLoginTable
我想我的SQL查詢轉換爲Hibernate查詢 select * from user_projects where endDate is not null and startDate is not null and soft_delete=? and startDate<=? and
endDate>=? and endDate<=? and (endDate,user_id) in (sele