此查詢有什麼問題:SELECT i FROM Item i WHERE 1 = 1 AND UPPER(i.nome) LIKE %:nome% ORDER BY UPPER(i.nome)?我在LIKE'%:nome%'中嘗試過使用單引號但沒有使用單引號,但它不起作用。 Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.Illeg
我是JavaEE中的新成員,很難在Intellij中使用JPA控制檯。浪費了大量的時間,同時執行JPQL查詢擺脫這種錯誤的: jpa-ql> SELECT p FROM PersonEntity p
[2017-04-21 18:44:46] using C:\Users\admin\.IntelliJIdea2017.1\system\compiler\jpaproject4.0.82b748
我有這樣的情況, 會很好,如果有人可以幫助我的解決方案。 @MappedSuperclass
public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable, Cloneable {
private int id;
public class A extends AbstractEntity{ //Both A and
尋求在JPQL中執行可能的子選擇。我使用SQL頻繁,希望這樣進行查詢: Select ((Select SUM(e.hours.hours) from app$Time e
where e.type = 'Purchased')
(Select SUM(f.hours.hours) from app$Time f
where f.type = 'Used'))
我這裏得到期望的結果 SELECT b, count(ts) FROM Branch b JOIN b.tourScheduleList ts WHERE ts.deleted = 0 GROUP BY b.id ORDER BY b.name ASC
b1 | 2
b2 | 1
但我需要得到ts.tourAppliedList計數,所以我更新查詢 SELECT b, count(ts)
我有一個實體類這樣的: @Entity
public class AppUserRole implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private AppUserRoleP