我有一個問題,同時建立使用咕嚕來源,與JSLint的任務錯誤檢查: L177: Expected a newline at the end of the file. Warning: Formatting check failed. Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings. 的問題是顯而易見的,但我還使用從支架的美化插件:https://g
我有一個功能,看起來像這樣: function strip(o) {
for (var i in o) {
var test = basic.arr.some(function(x) {return x === i});
//JSlint -- don't make functions within loop
if (test)
我實施了spectrum color picker,並試圖修復JSLint錯誤。我有兩種類型的錯誤,我似乎無法修復。下面是錯誤的: Unexpected '~' Unexpected 'in'. Compare with undefined, or use the hasOwnProperty method instead. 這裏的第一個錯誤代碼: function contains(str, s