我也跟着這樣一個問題: How to backup filesystem with tar using a bash script? 但是當我運行該腳本,它提供了以下錯誤: : not found/backup.sh: 2: /etc/init.d/backup.sh:
: not found/backup.sh: 5: /etc/init.d/backup.sh:
: not found/b
每當我在Linux Mint的17打開終端,我得到: No command 'Usage' found, did you mean:
Command 'osage' from package 'graphviz' (main)
Usage: command not found
rvm-installer: command not found
Options: command not fou
我正在薄荷17.1(瑞貝卡)KDE(64位) 的問題是,對於應用程序的IntelliJ IDEA的圖標無法正常工作 cd /opt/idea-IU-141.1010.3/bin/
第一次,我跑了上面的代碼,我得到了錯誤: 'tools.jar' seems to be not in IDEA classpath. Please ensure JAVA_HOME point