通常,並行處理僅與CPU密集型操作相關。但是,PLINQ使用WithDegreeOfParallelism擴展特別提供IO密集型支持。例如: from site in new[]
我正在學習PLINQ。我試着在一個網站上給出的例子。但是,我可以看到結果是錯誤的,而且當我多次重新運行程序時也會有所不同。首先它不會給出所有素數,其次它只給出9591個隨機素數。 IEnumerable<int> numbers = Enumerable.Range (3, 100000-3);
var parallelQuery =
from n in numbers.AsPara
執行我有以下PLINQ查詢: // Let's get a few customers
List<Customer> customers = CustomerRepository.GetSomeCustomers();
// Let's get all of the items for all of these customers
List<CustomerItem> items = cu
這是我的代碼: Parallel.ForEach(Students, item =>
StudentModel studentModel = new StudentModel(item);
// Maybe he/she has alot of name
foreach (var words in studentModel.StudentNames.Split
我有這樣的代碼: var list = new List<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
var result = from x in list.AsParallel()
let a = LongRunningCalc1(x)
let b = LongRunningCalc2(x)
select new {a, b};