我想讓錯誤閃現出現在railstutorial.org示例應用程序中。到目前爲止,這是我所做的。誰能幫我找到的錯誤: 我RSPEC測試失敗: 1) SessionsController POST 'create' invalid signin should have a flash.now message
Failure/Error: flash.now[:error].should =~ /i
railstutorial.org有一個建議,讓我覺得有點奇怪。 It suggests this code: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include SessionsHelper
的include SessionsHelper使得從Appl
我通過Ruby on Rails的3教程書工作,在命令行鍵入以下: rake db:migrate
這產生以下警告。 WARNING: Global access to Rake DSL methods is deprecated. Please Include
... Rake::DSL into classes and modules which use the Rake DSL