在我Symfony的項目,我有這個實體命名Order.php默認值: <?php
namespace myApp\EntityBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Datetime;
* @
This screenshot shows my gradle build file This one shows my main class, where im using the class 那麼什麼即時試圖做的是導入OKHTTP客戶lib放到通過gradle這個我的項目,我已經包括了依賴編譯語句和mavencentral存儲庫,但不知何故,它沒有顯示在我的主文件。它看起來也是正確的gradl
我已經開始寫在MVC實體框架遊戲的方法,它已經在作品庫和單位關閉: public Team StartTeam(Message message, out string result)
var player = GetPlayer(message);
if (player.StatusId == (int)Status.P
試圖推動一個文件,並收到此錯誤: remote: Permission to AndrewPreciado/CS6432016.git denied to Adrew64.
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/AndrewPreciado/CS6432016.git/':
The requested URL returned error: 4
我的build.gradle出現錯誤。我嘗試鏈接到Github項目,但失敗了。 的build.gradle(項目:XXXX) // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
repositories {