幫我做這個測試通過: 下面是一些rspec的代碼示例, class User
attr_accessor :count
def initialize
@count = 0
# sometimes raises
def danger
puts "IO can be dangerous..."
rescue I
我正在測試模擬和存根,但在控制器中測試create操作時無法獲得所需的輸出。 失敗的測試: describe 'authenticated user' do
let(:user) { instance_double(User) }
before do
allow(controller).to receive(:current_user) { user }
我定義的黃瓜的步驟如下: When(/^I click on the button to create a new target$/) do
RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do
dummy_connection = double('Dummy connection')
allow(dummy_connection).to rece
我想使用FactoryGirl構建模型的內存中存根,然後讓所有ActiveRecord查詢僅針對這些查詢運行。例如: # Assume we start with an empty database, a Foo model,
# and a Foo factory definition.
stubbed_foo = FactoryGirl.build_stubb
情況:我想存根輔助方法,以便我可以調用一個包裝它的方法並獲取存根響應。 代碼設置如下: class Thing
def self.method_one(foo)
self.method_two(foo, 'some random string')
def self.method_two(foo, bar)