我試圖做到這一點: How do I test a controller with rspec-rails? 我的測試如下: describe "User pages" do
subject { page }
describe "edit" do
let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
before do
當使用工廠女孩和RSpec來測試我的控制器嘲諷的時候,我發現了錯誤: Failures:
1) ProductsController Handling POST for create should redirect to products after success
Failure/Error: response.should redirect_to(products_pat
我很新的Rspec的所以當我在寫一些搜索結果的期望我偶然發現了一個意想不到的行爲: describe "resultset" do
subject { search.products }
describe "product name has a higher weight than product description" do
我認爲我的寶石測試用於運行的虛擬應用程序設置不正確,因爲當我在Gadget實例(來自虛擬應用程序的存根模型)上調用url_for時,創業板的助手裏,我得到 undefined method `gadgets_path' for #<#<Class:0x007fe274bc1228>:0x007fe273d45eb0>
背景:我分叉寶石並提出了一些顯著的變化。 (Here's the fork。
我有以下RSpec的單元測試: require 'spec_helper'
describe Article do
describe ".recents" do
it "includes articles created less than one week ago" do
article = Article.create(created_at: Date.to
我想要一個類的實例方法返回self,並且使用另一個類實例self作爲init。 不過我掙扎來看看如何succintly符合規範的: ::Api.should_receive(:new).once do |arg|
arg.should be_an_instance_of(::Cli)