這是輸入 hai people<PATTERN> we had
<PATTERN>a lot of fun<PATTERN>
writing scri pts
We will<PATTERN>
have more
需要有 hai people<PATTERN> we had
writing scripts
echo "Number of hosts entered are "$#
echo "Hostnames are "[email protected]
for i in "[email protected]"
echo "Logging in to the host "$i
pbsh [email protected]$i '
對於一個項目,我要求我的用戶能夠提供一個簡單的函數作爲字符串,並且我希望能夠從我的程序中對其進行評估。 假設函數簽名總是爲int f(int a, int b) 我想使它成爲我的用戶可以提供用基本語言編寫的f的實現。 例如: return a*b;
if(a ==1) return b else return 3