我試圖更新常規單元測試和我在用下面的代碼的一個問題: def "getDatasetRecords() returns PaginatedSearchResults with a set of DatasetRecords from the repo"() {
def mockRecords = []
def originalResults = Mock
使用的Grails 3.2.8和用於測試的斯波克框架,給出下面的控制器類: class SomeController {
def doSomething() {
// do a few things, then:
protected void someOtherMethod() {
// d
製造商:0.7.1 | 語言:Groovy | 框架:斯波克 測試代碼 import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import spock.lang.Specification
* Created by Long Nguyen on 4/11/2017.
* Chatwork api documentation: http://develope