測試數據庫: create table a (d date not null primary key);
create table b (d date not null primary key);
insert into a values ('2013-01-01');
insert into b values ('2014-01-01');
使用的Zeos LIB用Delphi 7,這
我有兩個表的客戶,COMMANDE 的DDL在sqlite3的是下面的, CREATE TABLE Client (
id_client INT NOT NULL,
nom varchar(10),
PRIMARY KEY (id_client)
id_commande INT NOT
我嘗試做多語句查詢是這樣的: // without the second insert the query works fine.
// i need 2 querys to work because later, i'll do inserts on different kind of tables.
// that's why i need 2 querys, not a single q