這聽起來像你正在嘗試在循環賽中進行團隊排班。維基百科描述了一種您可以使用的算法 - 請參閱http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round-robin_tournament#Scheduling_algorithm。
teams = Array(1..20)
fixed_team = teams.shift #The fixed competitor described in the algorithm
teams.length.times do |i|
#Create the two groups listed in the algorithm
teams = teams.rotate
week_teams = teams.dup.unshift(fixed_team)
first_group, second_group = week_teams.each_slice(week_teams.length/2).to_a
weeks_pairings = first_group.zip(second_group)
#Output the week's pairings
puts "Week #{i + 1}: #{weeks_pairings}"
#=> Week 1: [[1, 2], [3, 20], [4, 19], [5, 18], [6, 17], [7, 16], [8, 15], [9, 14], [10, 13], [11, 12]]
#=> Week 2: [[1, 3], [4, 2], [5, 20], [6, 19], [7, 18], [8, 17], [9, 16], [10, 15], [11, 14], [12, 13]]
#=> etc
應該有辦法列出了所有的可能性,但你有沒有考慮有多少?對於20支球隊來說,這個數字將是「(20!)/(10!* 2^10)= 654729075」。你確定你想要一個這麼長的名單嗎?你認爲你的電腦能夠計算出來嗎? – sawa
我希望你意識到你正在通過循環重新計算所有組合*每個*時間。 – tadman