2012-12-11 137 views


public void mergeSort() { 
     mergeSortHelper(numBars, 0); 

    public void mergeSortHelper(int[] theArray, int leftIndex) { 

     //split the list in half 
     int mid = theArray.length/2; 
     if (mid < 1) { 
     } else { 
      System.out.println("Left Index is originally: " + leftIndex); 
      int[] left = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, 0, mid); 
      int[] right = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, mid, theArray.length); 
      //sort the lower half 
      mergeSortHelper(left, leftIndex); 
      mergeSortHelper(right, leftIndex + left.length); 
      //merge them together 
      merge(left, right, leftIndex); 
      System.out.println("Left Index is now: " + leftIndex); 
      System.out.println("Right Index is now: " + (leftIndex + mid)); 
      left = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex, leftIndex + mid); 
      right = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex + mid, leftIndex + mid + right.length); 

    public void merge(int[]a, int[]b, int leftIndex) { 
     int i = 0; 
     int j = 0; 
     int result = leftIndex; 
     while (i < a.length && j < b.length) { 
      //System.out.println("Comparing from A: " + a[i] + " Comparing from B: " + b[i]); 
      if (a[i] < b[j]) { 
       theCanvas.eraseRectangle(graphWidth + i * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[i], barScale, barScale * numBars[i]); 
       numBars[result] = a[i]; 
       theCanvas.fillRectangle(graphWidth + i * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[i], barScale, barScale * numBars[i]); 
      } else { 
       theCanvas.eraseRectangle(graphWidth + j * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[j], barScale, barScale * numBars[j]); 
       numBars[result] = b[j]; 
       theCanvas.fillRectangle(graphWidth + j * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[j], barScale, barScale * numBars[j]); 

      //System.out.println("First Loop, Comparing Size" + Arrays.toString(output)); 
     while (i < a.length) { 
      numBars[result] = a[i]; 
      //System.out.println("Second Loop, Finishing A array" + Arrays.toString(output)); 

     while(j < b.length) { 
      numBars[result] = b[j]; 
      //System.out.println("Third Loop, Finishing B array" + Arrays.toString(output)); 


Left Index is originally: 0 
Left Index is originally: 0 
Left Index is originally: 0 
Left Index is originally: 1 
Left Index is now: 1 
Right Index is now: 2 
[10, 50, 55, 99, 18, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is now: 0 
Right Index is now: 1 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is originally: 3 
Left Index is originally: 3 
Left Index is now: 3 
Right Index is now: 4 
[10, 55, 50, 18, 99, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is originally: 5 
Left Index is now: 5 
Right Index is now: 6 
[10, 55, 50, 18, 99, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is now: 3 
Right Index is now: 5 
[10, 55, 50, 9, 46, 99, 18, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is now: 0 
Right Index is now: 3 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is originally: 7 
Left Index is originally: 7 
Left Index is originally: 7 
Left Index is now: 7 
Right Index is now: 8 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 37, 80, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is originally: 9 
Left Index is now: 9 
Right Index is now: 10 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 37, 80, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is now: 7 
Right Index is now: 9 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 77, 34, 53, 53] 
Left Index is originally: 11 
Left Index is originally: 11 
Left Index is now: 11 
Right Index is now: 12 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 34, 77, 53, 53] 
Left Index is originally: 13 
Left Index is now: 13 
Right Index is now: 14 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 34, 77, 53, 53] 
Left Index is now: 11 
Right Index is now: 13 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 53, 53, 77, 34] 
Left Index is now: 7 
Right Index is now: 11 
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 77, 34, 53, 53, 80, 37, 35, 69] 
Left Index is now: 0 
Right Index is now: 7 
[10, 55, 50, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53, 99, 18, 9, 46] 
[10, 55, 50, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53, 99, 18, 9, 46] 



如果您告訴我們哪一行拋出了異常,這會更容易。 – madth3


@ madth3問題是,它沒有拋出異常。這是發生了什麼,在一個合併排序中,原始數組numBars被遞歸地分割成左右數組,然後左和右被放回到numBars中,這最後一部分將它放回到numBars中,解決所有問題。 – Vikram


你可以發佈你的主要方法嗎?此外,只是一個好奇心,但名稱「numBars」背後的含義是什麼? – The111


} else { 
    System.out.println("Left Index is originally: " + leftIndex); 
    int[] left = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, 0, mid); 
    int[] right = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, mid, theArray.length); 
    //sort the lower half 
    mergeSortHelper(left, leftIndex); 
    mergeSortHelper(right, leftIndex + left.length); 
    //merge them together 
    merge(left, right, leftIndex); 
    System.out.println("Left Index is now: " + leftIndex); 
    System.out.println("Right Index is now: " + (leftIndex + mid)); 
    left = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex, leftIndex + mid); 
    right = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex + mid, leftIndex + mid + right.length); 




for(int i = 0; i < mid; ++i) { 
    theArray[i] = numBars[leftIndex + i]; 
for(int i = mid; i < mid + left.length; ++i) { 
    theArray[i] = numBars[leftIndex + i]; 




耶正確指出如此....合併子數組後,你不會將它們返回爲已排序的數組。 – Fyre