因此...可以說我有一個Future[ List[ A ] ]
的first element
def getFirstByName(name: String): Future[ A ] = {
val aListFuture = ...
// somehow got the future of list of all A's for this name
// Now how do I return a Future[ A ] contaning the head of said list
這個問題的焦點更多的是對Considering this is a part of the db access layer what can be the preferred way of doing this ?
我們可以按照如下方法做val aFuture = aListFuture.map(l => l.head)
def getFirstByName(name: String): Future[ A ] = {
// somehow got the future of list of all A's for this name
val aListFuture = ...
aListFuture map(_.head) match {
case Some(t: Try[ A ]) => t match {
case Success(a: A) => Promise.successful(a).future
case Failure(e: NoSuchElementException) => Promise.failed(DbNotFound).future
case Failure(e) => Promise.failed(e).future
case _ => Promise.failed(new Exception("Some unexplained exception")).future
爲什麼不改變函數的返回類型? –
@FatihDonmez呃......這個問題本身就是一個錯誤。我需要這樣做。 –
考慮如果列表爲空則該怎麼辦。 –