2015-11-16 43 views



沒有什麼是不可能的。 MS SQL Server轉換爲日期時間多種格式。你可以試試這個:

declare @d varchar(50)='Mon Nov 16 07:36:05 IST 2015' 
;with dd as (--reorganize the string and build xml 
select cast('<dd><d>'+replace(@d,' ','</d><d>')+'</d></dd>' as xml) d 
select dateadd(hh,--add hours 
case t.v.value('d[5]','varchar(10)') --process time zone 
    when 'IST' then 2 --probably you need some reference table 
    when 'EST' then -5 
    else 0 end, 
cast(t.v.value('d[2]','varchar(10)') +' '+t.v.value('d[3]','varchar(10)') 
+' '+t.v.value('d[6]','varchar(10)') +' '+t.v.value('d[4]','varchar(10)') 
--Nov 16 2015 07:36:05 can be converted 
    as datetime)) [date and time] 
from dd cross apply dd.d.nodes('dd') t(v) 