鑑於這兩個詞: a。確保它們的長度相同 b。確保它們都是您下載的英語 有效字詞典中的字詞。
如果是這樣,通過以下一系列步驟計算是否可以從第一個字符到第二個字 a。您可以一次更換一個字母 b。每次更改字母時,結果詞也必須存在於詞典 c中。你不能添加或刪除字母
你可以爲你的單詞詞典/ usr/share/dict/words。
import collections
import functools
import re
def time_func(func):
import time
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
timed = time.time() - start
setattr(wrapper, 'time_taken', timed)
return res
functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
return wrapper
class OneLetterGame:
def __init__(self, dict_path):
self.dict_path = dict_path
self.words = set()
def run(self, start_word, end_word):
'''Runs the one letter game with the given start and end words.
assert len(start_word) == len(end_word), \
'Start word and end word must of the same length.'
path = self.shortest_path(start_word, end_word)
if not path:
print 'There is no path between %s and %s (took %.2f sec.)' % (
start_word, end_word, find_shortest_path.time_taken)
print 'The shortest path (found in %.2f sec.) is:\n=> %s' % (
self.shortest_path.time_taken, ' -- '.join(path))
def _bfs(self, start):
'''Implementation of breadth first search as a generator.
The portion of the graph to explore is given on demand using get_neighboors.
Care was taken so that a vertex/node is explored only once.
queue = collections.deque([(None, start)])
inqueue = set([start])
while queue:
parent, node = queue.popleft()
yield parent, node
new = set(self.get_neighbours(node)) - inqueue
inqueue = inqueue | new
queue.extend([(node, child) for child in new])
def shortest_path(self, start, end):
'''Returns the shortest path from start to end using bfs.
assert start in self.words, 'Start word not in dictionnary.'
assert end in self.words, 'End word not in dictionnary.'
paths = {None: []}
for parent, child in self._bfs(start):
paths[child] = paths[parent] + [child]
if child == end:
return paths[child]
return None
def get_neighbours(self, word):
'''Gets every word one letter away from the a given word.
We do not keep these words in memory because bfs accesses
a given vertex only once.
neighbours = []
p_word = ['^' + word[0:i] + '\w' + word[i+1:] + '$'
for i, w in enumerate(word)]
p_word = '|'.join(p_word)
for w in self.words:
if w != word and re.match(p_word, w, re.I|re.U):
neighbours += [w]
return neighbours
def read_dict(self, size):
'''Loads every word of a specific size from the dictionnary into memory.
for l in open(self.dict_path):
l = l.decode('latin-1').strip().lower()
if len(l) == size:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) not in [3, 4]:
print 'Usage: python one_letter_game.py start_word end_word'
g = OneLetterGame(dict_path = '/usr/share/dict/words')
except AssertionError, e:
print e
謝謝所有偉大的我認爲真正讓我感到這樣一個事實是,我每次遍歷字典中的所有單詞以考慮可能的單詞鄰居,相反,我可以使用Duncan和Matt Anderson指出的倒排索引。也很有幫助,非常感謝,現在我知道我做錯了什麼,
import collections
import functools
import re
def time_func(func):
import time
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
timed = time.time() - start
setattr(wrapper, 'time_taken', timed)
return res
functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
return wrapper
class OneLetterGame:
def __init__(self, dict_path):
self.dict_path = dict_path
self.words = {}
def run(self, start_word, end_word):
'''Runs the one letter game with the given start and end words.
assert len(start_word) == len(end_word), \
'Start word and end word must of the same length.'
path = self.shortest_path(start_word, end_word)
if not path:
print 'There is no path between %s and %s (took %.2f sec.)' % (
start_word, end_word, self.shortest_path.time_taken)
print 'The shortest path (found in %.2f sec.) is:\n=> %s' % (
self.shortest_path.time_taken, ' -- '.join(path))
def _bfs(self, start):
'''Implementation of breadth first search as a generator.
The portion of the graph to explore is given on demand using get_neighboors.
Care was taken so that a vertex/node is explored only once.
queue = collections.deque([(None, start)])
inqueue = set([start])
while queue:
parent, node = queue.popleft()
yield parent, node
new = set(self.get_neighbours(node)) - inqueue
inqueue = inqueue | new
queue.extend([(node, child) for child in new])
def shortest_path(self, start, end):
'''Returns the shortest path from start to end using bfs.
assert self.in_dictionnary(start), 'Start word not in dictionnary.'
assert self.in_dictionnary(end), 'End word not in dictionnary.'
paths = {None: []}
for parent, child in self._bfs(start):
paths[child] = paths[parent] + [child]
if child == end:
return paths[child]
return None
def in_dictionnary(self, word):
for s in self.get_steps(word):
if s in self.words:
return True
return False
def get_neighbours(self, word):
'''Gets every word one letter away from the a given word.
for step in self.get_steps(word):
for neighbour in self.words[step]:
yield neighbour
def get_steps(self, word):
return (word[0:i] + '*' + word[i+1:]
for i, w in enumerate(word))
def read_dict(self, size):
'''Loads every word of a specific size from the dictionnary into an inverted index.
for w in open(self.dict_path):
w = w.decode('latin-1').strip().lower()
if len(w) != size:
for step in self.get_steps(w):
if step not in self.words:
self.words[step] = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) not in [3, 4]:
print 'Usage: python one_letter_game.py start_word end_word'
g = OneLetterGame(dict_path = '/usr/share/dict/words')
except AssertionError, e:
print e
和定時比較:(在 91.57秒找到)
%蟒one_letter_game_old.py快樂 你好最短路徑是:
=>快樂 - 哈爾皮 - 豎琴 - 哈特 - 暫停 - 大廳 - 地獄 - 你好%python one_letter_game.py happy hello最短路徑(在。1.71秒):
=>快樂 - 哈比 - 豎琴 - 哈茨 - 停止 - 廳 - 地獄 - 你好
我沒經過你的代碼,而只是因爲你沒有得到這份工作並不意味着這是你的錯誤。他們有告訴你嗎? – MJB 2010-04-27 13:21:32
以及我試圖問,但他們的政策是,「他們不被允許提供進一步的反饋」... – 2010-04-27 13:25:41
類似問題:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2534087/successive-adding-of-char-to-得到最長的詞在詞典關閉 – FogleBird 2010-04-27 13:27:23