Dim command
command = Request.Form("hid");
Response.Write(「Value」 & command); -- The value is not printed (Reason found after
analysis that may be because the form is not submitted
function clicked()
alert("before"); -- This message box appears
**document.form.submit();** -- after a lot of analysis the conclusion is that
this submit statement stops working (as on the status
bar 'Opening https:.....File1.asp?form=...' is not
displayed when 'after' message box appears
alert("after"); -- This message box appears
<% if command = "FIND" then
Response.Write ("Inside Find"); -- This message is not printed.
// some functonality
<form ....>
<input type="hidden" name="hid" value="">
這充分代碼工作正常,我的機器上。但是,在客戶端運行時,此代碼無法正常工作,儘管正在訪問相同的服務器和相同的已部署應用程序。沒有特定的順序/場景,但例如。 當說button1 clicked-> window1打開 - > window2打開 - > value selected->返回到window1->點擊Find->點擊Ok->返回主頁面。 然後爲第三個按鈕重複相同的場景。 (直到現在'查找'鏈接工作正常)。 現在重複第二個按鈕相同的情況下,這裏'後'的消息,但'內部查找'不打印!
歡迎來到SO。你能檢查Firefox腳本控制檯的錯誤嗎?由於這與ASP無關,您可以將實際生成的代碼發佈到瀏覽器中嗎? – 2010-02-20 08:45:23