2016-10-10 23 views



下面是根據縮放級別計算每個系列的平均線的示例(受the solution of @jlbriggs的影響)。它甚至繼承了系列圖中平均線的顏色。

* Draws the average line for every series on chart 
* @param chart 
function drawAverage(chart) { 
    // get the axis extremes to use as the x values 
    // for the average series 
    var ext = chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes(); 
    var min = ext.min; 
    var max = ext.max; 

    // loop through visible series data and build total/count 
    // to calculate average from 
    $.each(chart.series, function (i, series) { 
     // id of the average line 
     var avgId = 'average_' + series.index; 
     var total = 0; 
     var count = 0; 
     // index of the corresponding yAxis for correct mapping of average line 
     var yAxisIndex = chart.yAxis.indexOf(series.yAxis); 
     // remove the average line before drawing new one 

     // only draw the line if series is visible 
     if (series.visible === true) { 
      // calculate average based on visible data points 
      $.each(series.data, function (i, point) { 
       if (point && point.x >= min && point.x < max) { 
        total += point.y; 

      var average = (total/count); 
      // console.log(series.name + ' with index ' + series.index + ' on yAxis ' + yAxisIndex + ': ' + average + ' = ' + total + '/' + count); 

      // add the average series 
       id: avgId, 
       color: series.color, 
       dashStyle: 'shortdash', 
       width: 1, 
       value: average, 
       label: { 
        text: 'Ø ' + Math.round(average * 10)/10, 
        align: 'left', 
        x: -30, 
        style: { 
         color: series.color, 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script> 

<div id="container" style="width:600px;height:400px;"></div> 

    $(function() { 
     chart: { 
     zoomType: 'x' 
     title: { 
     text: 'Sleep' 
     xAxis: { 
     crosshair: true, 
     type: 'datetime', 
     events: { 
      afterSetExtremes: function() { 
     yAxis: [ 
      title: { 
      text: 'Sleep duration [h]' 
      title: { 
      text: 'Sleep quality [%]', 
      style: { 
       color: '#008000' 
      opposite: true, 
     tooltip: { 
     shared: true 
     plotOptions: { 
     series: { 
      events: { 
      show: function() { 
      hide: function() { 
     series: [ 
      name: 'Sleep duration', 
      data: [ 
      color: '#696969', 
      tooltip: { 
      valueSuffix: ' h' 
      name: 'Sleep quality', 
      data: [ 
      color: '#008000', 
      yAxis: 1, 
      tooltip: { 
      valueSuffix: ' %' 

    // draw average line on first load 
    chart = $('#container').highcharts(); 


// removing average series if there's one 
var averageSeries = chart.get(avgId); 
if(averageSeries != null) { 

// only draw the line if series is visible 
if (series.visible === true) { 

    // ... 

    // add the average series 
     id: avgId, 
     name: 'Average ' + series.name, 
     showInLegend: true, 
     type: 'line', 
     lineWidth: 1, 
     lineColor: series.color, 
     color: series.color, 
     dashStyle: 'shortdash', 
     zIndex: 5 + series.index, 
     data: [ 
      [min, average], 
      [max, average] 