您可以編寫通用的SQL SELECT功能就是這樣,如果你需要更復雜的SQL只是修改它。
function sqlSelect($table, $sel, $wh = '', $groupby = '', $order = '', $add = '') {
$tb = $table;
if (is_array($table)) {
$tb = implode(',', $table);
if ($wh) {
if (is_array($wh)) {
$w = array();
foreach ($wh as $k => $v) {
$v = mysqli_real_escape_string($v);
if (is_null($v))
$w [] = "$k=null ";
$w [] = "$k ='$v'";
$wh = 'where ' . implode(' and ', $w);
}else {
$wh = "where $wh";
if ($groupby)
$groupby = "group by $groupby";
if ($order)
$order = "order by $order";
$sql = "select $sel from $tb $wh $groupby $order $add ";
return $sql;
//set _GET as this is console test
$where = array(
echo sqlSelect('sometable' , '*' , $where) ."\n";
// select * from sometable where name1 ='Bob'
//or some complex stuff
echo sqlSelect('persons', "age,status" , array('name'=>'Maria' , 'likes'=>'PHP') , null, 'age' , 'limit 20');
//select age,status from persons where name ='Maria' and likes ='PHP' order by age limit 20
好的,非常感謝你! 我也想,如果沒有字段填充,頁面顯示錶中的所有條目。有了這種結構,在這種情況下,我有一個沒有任何參數通過... – Matteo 2014-09-29 11:56:01
請參閱編輯另一級別的檢查。 – Fluffeh 2014-09-29 12:15:49