2017-08-28 65 views

點擊按鈕我需要我的表一次添加多個行,包括多列.....代碼是通過使用Java腳本....我使用插入單元格()方法插入一個空的單元格在我的表.....當我點擊按鈕,並添加一行,一次只有一個單行添加.....我想多行(例如... 7行)具有相同數量的列,通過單擊該按鈕僅顯示一次....要生成多行

我怎樣才能使表的最後一行(我的意思是如果我一次在表中添加7行) ...我需要第7行邊界底部是堅實的,並重復到每個第7邊界底部.....在上面的程序......還可以得到一些使用rowspan和colspan的想法以上程序

function display(){ 

\t var tableRef = document.getElementById('myTable1').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; 
\t var rowsAdd = tableRef.insertRow(); 

\t var newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
\t newCell.innerHTML="<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'time' name= 'time' required> </td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
\t newCell.style.width ='70px'; 
\t newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
\t newCell.innerHTML="<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oraltype' name= 'oraltype' required></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
\t newCell.style.width ='55px'; 
\t newCell= rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
\t newCell.innerHTML="<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'oralamt' name= 'oralamt' required></td></tr>"; 
\t newCell.style.width ='75px'; 
\t newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
\t newCell.innerHTML="<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oralcommence' name= 'oralcommence' required></td></tr>"; 
\t newCell.style.width ='65px'; 
     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
\t newCell.innerHTML="<tr><td><i class='fa fa-trash-o' style='font-size:20px' onclick='deleteRow(this)'></i></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
\t newCell.style.width ='50px'; 

\t }

#myTable1 { 
    border-collapse: collapse; 
    width: 100%; 
#myTable1 th { 
    background-color: #009999; 
    color: black; 
    width : 190px; 

    #myTable1 .tbody1{ 
#myTable1 thead,.tbody1{ 
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-fixed table-hover table-condensed" style="width: 1200px; align:left;" id="myTable1"> 
     <th rowspan = '2' style="width:130px;">Date Comm.</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:130px;">Drug</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:130px;">Dosage</th> 
     <th rowspan='2'style="width:130px;">Route Of Admin</th> 
    <tbody class="tbody1"> 

    <tr id="hiderow"> 
\t \t  <td><button onclick="display()"></button></td> 
\t \t </tr> 
\t \t 



下面的代碼將創建10行。我已經更新了第一個字段的ID(時間id = 'time_" + i + "'),給它一個唯一的ID。您可以選擇爲每個字段提供唯一的ID,以便您可以從JS中讀取值。

function display() { 
    var tableRef = document.getElementById('myTable1').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; 

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
     var rowsAdd = tableRef.insertRow(); 

     var newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'time_" + i + "' name= 'time' required> </td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '70px'; 

     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oraltype' name= 'oraltype' required></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '55px'; 

     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'oralamt' name= 'oralamt' required></td></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '75px'; 

     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oralcommence' name= 'oralcommence' required></td></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '65px'; 
     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 

     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><i class='fa fa-trash-o' style='font-size:20px' onclick='deleteRow(this)'></i></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '50px'; 

我該如何製作表格的最後一行(我的意思是如果我一次在表格中添加7行)......我需要第7行邊框底部變得牢固,並且重複到每個第7個邊框底部... ..在上面的程序中......還可以在上述程序中使用rowspan和colspan的一些想法 – usr



function display(timesToLoop) { 

    var tableRef = document.getElementById('myTable1').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; 
    var rowsAdd = tableRef.insertRow(); 

    for (i = 0; i < timesToLoop; i++) { 
     var newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'time' name= 'time' required> </td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '70px'; 

     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oraltype' name= 'oraltype' required></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '55px'; 

     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'oralamt' name= 'oralamt' required></td></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '75px'; 

     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oralcommence' name= 'oralcommence' required></td></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '65px'; 
     newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 

     newCell.innerHTML = "<tr><td><i class='fa fa-trash-o' style='font-size:20px' onclick='deleteRow(this)'></i></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
     newCell.style.width = '50px'; 




你可以找到更多關於for環路上this article here使用!您還可以瞭解更多關於功能參數here的信息。


嘗試添加兩行 -

var rowsAdd = tableRef.insertRow(tableRef.rows.length); 
var rowsAddNext = tableRef.insertRow(tableRef.rows.length + 1); 

.............. // your code of adding cell into rows 

嘗試運行下面的代碼片段或本CodePen Demo


function display() { 
    var tableRef = document 

    var numRows = document.getElementById('numRows').value; 
    for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { 
    var rowsAdd = tableRef.insertRow(); 
    var newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
    addRows(newCell, rowsAdd); 

function removeRows() { 
    document.getElementById('tbody').innerHTML = ''; 


function addRows(newCell, rowsAdd) { 
    newCell.innerHTML = 
    "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'time' name= 'time' required> </td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
    newCell.style.width = "70px"; 

    newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
    newCell.innerHTML = 
    "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oraltype' name= 'oraltype' required></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
    newCell.style.width = "55px"; 

    newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
    newCell.innerHTML = 
    "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' type='text' id = 'oralamt' name= 'oralamt' required></td></tr>"; 
    newCell.style.width = "75px"; 

    newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 
    newCell.innerHTML = 
    "<tr><td><input form ='forma' class= 'form-control input-sm' id = 'oralcommence' name= 'oralcommence' required></td></tr>"; 
    newCell.style.width = "65px"; 
    newCell = rowsAdd.insertCell(); 

    newCell.innerHTML = 
    "<tr><td><i class='fa fa-trash-o' style='font-size:20px' onclick='deleteRow(this)'></i></td></tr><tr></tr>"; 
    newCell.style.width = "50px"; 
#myTable1 { 
    border-collapse: collapse; 
    width: 100%; 

#myTable1 th { 
    background-color: #009999; 
    color: black; 
    width: 190px; 

.table-fixed {} 

#myTable1 .tbody1 { 
    height: 150px; 
    overflow-y: auto; 

#myTable1 thead, 
.tbody1 { 
    display: block; 
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-fixed table-hover table-condensed" style="width: 1200px; align:left;" id="myTable1"> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:130px;">Date Comm.</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:130px;">Drug</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:130px;">Dosage</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:130px;">Route Of Admin</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' style="width:50px;">Delete</th> 
    <tbody class="tbody1" id='tbody'> 


    <tr id="hiderow"> 
     <select id="numRows"> 
     <option value="1">1</option> 
     <option value="2">2</option> 
     <option value="3">3</option> 
     <option value="4">4</option> 
     <option value="5">5</option> 
     <option value="6">6</option> 
     <option value="7">7</option> 
     <button onclick="display()">Add row(s)</button> 

     <button onclick="removeRows()">Remove all rows </button> 





$(document).ready(function display(){ 
    var row_c = $('#row_count').val(); 
    var row = "<tr> <td ><input type='text'></td> <td><input type='text'></td> <td><input type='text'></td> <td><input type='text'></td> <td><input type='text'></td> </tr>"; 
    for(var i=0;i < row_c ;i++){ 
#myTable1 { 
    border-collapse: collapse; 
    width: 100%; 
     width: 100%; 
     display: inline-block; 
#myTable1 th { 
    background-color: #009999; 
    color: black; 
    width : 190px; 

    #myTable1 .tbody1{ 
#myTable1 thead,.tbody1{ 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-fixed table-hover table-condensed" border='1' id="myTable1"> 
     <th rowspan = '2' >Date Comm.</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' >Drug</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' >Dosage</th> 
     <th rowspan='2'>Route Of Admin</th> 
     <th rowspan='2' >Delete</th> 
    <tbody class="tbody1"> 

    <tr id="hiderow"> 
\t \t  <td> 
     <input type='text' id='row_count'/><button id='add'>Add Row</button></td> 
\t \t </tr> 
\t \t 


如何使表格的最後一行(我的意思是如果我在表格中添加7行一次)...我需要第7行邊界底部是堅實的,並重復到每個第7邊界底部.....在上面的程序......也可以得到一些使用rowspan的想法和上述程序中的colspan – usr