2010-04-05 140 views



發佈一些地圖渲染的僞代碼(包括播放器)和哪些對象可以相互碰撞可能會有幫助。 – 2010-04-05 00:27:24









當你開始渲染,簡單地劃SCREEN_WIDTH/cell_width/2個單元格,玩家右側的screen_width/cell_width/2個單元格(玩家被假定爲1x1)。爲上下做同樣的事情。確保不會導致索引超出範圍異常。只要您在使用它們之前進行鉗制/過濾,您就可以使用越界值運行for循環。如果你只想讓角色在靠近邊緣時「推」邊緣,還要跟蹤當前的模型 - 視圖參考。


我會給你我爲點/地圖碰撞檢測寫的代碼。該代碼假定您在(xfrom,yfrom)處有一個點,並且您想將其移動到(xto,yto),並且想要查看是否與tilemap貼圖[Y] [X]中的塊發生衝突。我假設一個方法isSolid(tileId),如果瓦片是實體的,它將返回true。

* This method returns true if there is a collision between a point and a 2D tilemap map[Y][X]. 
* The isSolid method must be implemented to indicate if a tile is solid or not 
* Assumes the tilemap starts at (0,0) and TILEWIDTH and TILEHEIGHT hold the size of a tile (in pixels) 
* @param xfrom the original x-coordinate of the point 
* @param yfrom the original y-coordinate of the point 
* @param xto the destination x-coordinate of the point 
* @param yto the destination y-coordinate of the point 
* @param outCollisionPoint output the location where the collision occurs 
* @return true if a collision is found 
public boolean collisionDetection(int xfrom, int yfrom, int xto, int yto, Point outCollisionPoint){ 
    //Ref: A fast voxel traversal algorithm J.Amanatides, A. Woo 
    float tMaxX, tMaxY, tDeltaX, tDeltaY, collisionLength; 
    int X, Y, stepX, stepY, endX, endY, blkX, blkY; 

    //Calculate direction vector 
    float dirX = (xto - xfrom); 
    float dirY = (yto - yfrom); 

    float length = (float) Math.sqrt(dirX * dirX + dirY * dirY); 

    //Normalize direction vector 
    dirX /= length; 
    dirY /= length; 

    //tDeltaX: distance in terms of vector(dirX,dirY) between two consecutive vertical lines 
    tDeltaX = TILEWIDTH/Math.abs(dirX); 
    tDeltaY = TILEHEIGHT/Math.abs(dirY); 

    //Determine cell where we originally are 
    X = xfrom/TILEWIDTH; 
    Y = yfrom/TILEHEIGHT; 

    endX = xto/TILEWIDTH; 
    endY = yto/TILEHEIGHT; 

    //stepX: Determine in what way do we move between cells 
    //tMaxX: the distance in terms of vector(dirX,dirY) to the next vertical line 
    if (xto > xfrom){ 
     blkX = 0; 
     stepX = 1; 
     tMaxX = ((X+1) * TILEWIDTH - xfrom)/dirX; 
     blkX = 1; 
     stepX = -1; 
     tMaxX = (X * TILEWIDTH - xfrom)/dirX; 
    if (yto > yfrom){ 
     blkY = 0; 
     stepY = 1; 
     tMaxY = ((Y+1) * TILEHEIGHT - yfrom)/dirY; 
     blkY = 1; 
     stepY = -1; 
     tMaxY = (Y * TILEHEIGHT - yfrom)/dirY; 

    if (isSolid(map[Y][X])) { 
     //point already collides 
     outCollisionPoint = new Point(xfrom, yfrom); 
     return true; 
    //Scan the cells along the line between 'from' and 'to' 
    while (X != endX || Y !=endY){ 
     if(tMaxX < tMaxY){ 
      tMaxX += tDeltaX; 
      X += stepX; 
      if (isSolid(map[Y][X])) { 
       collisionLength = ((X + blkX) * TILEWIDTH - xfrom)/dirX; 
       outCollisionPoint = new Point((int)(xfrom + dirX * collisionLength), (int)(yfrom + dirY * collisionLength)); 
       return true; 
      tMaxY += tDeltaY; 
      Y += stepY; 
      if (isSolid(map[Y][X])) {   
       collisionLength= ((Y + blkY) * TILEHEIGHT - yfrom)/dirY; 
       outCollisionPoint = new Point((int)(xfrom + dirX * collisionLength), (int)(yfrom + dirY * collisionLength)); 
       return true; 
    return false; 