// checking on which tile are players corners
// ignore this big mess below, please. It can be put in smaller
// equations, but for now it does its job
left_downX = ((int)Position.X)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetX/32 * 32/32;
left_downY = ((int)Position.Y + height)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetY/32 * 32/32;
right_downX = ((int)Position.X + width)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetX/32 * 32/32;
right_downY = ((int)Position.Y + height)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetY/32 * 32/32;
left_upX = ((int)Position.X)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetX/32 * 32/32;
left_upY = ((int)Position.Y)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetY/32 * 32/32;
right_upX = ((int)Position.X + width)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetX/32 * 32/32;
right_upY = ((int)Position.Y)/32 * 32/32 - map.mapOffsetY/32 * 32/32;
// checking if there is collision and responding to it
if (map.mapData[left_downX, left_downY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air &&
map.mapData[left_upX, left_upY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air)
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
Speed.X = playerSpeed;
Direction.X = MOVE_LEFT;
if (map.mapData[right_downX, right_downY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air &&
map.mapData[right_upX, right_upY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air)
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
Speed.X = playerSpeed;
Direction.X = MOVE_RIGHT;
if (map.mapData[left_downX, left_downY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air &&
map.mapData[right_downX, right_downY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air)
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
Speed.Y = playerSpeed;
Direction.Y = MOVE_DOWN;
if (map.mapData[left_downX, left_downY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air &&
map.mapData[right_downX, right_downY] == (int)Map.Tiles.air)
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
Speed.Y = playerSpeed;
Direction.Y = MOVE_UP;
我錯了什麼? 也許有更好的方法來檢查碰撞沒有循環所有瓷磚?
但它很好地檢查了碰撞,我也不想循環遍歷所有的瓦片。我的迴應有問題,因爲玩家只是站在棍子上,或者在某些情況下漂浮在牆壁上,有時甚至只是幻燈片。 – Neomex
使用基於Tile的地圖最好的辦法是隻檢查碰撞對象附近的Tiles。這應該很容易處理相關對象的座標。對我而言,您的播放器因爲碰撞無法正常工作而卡住了。 – jgallant