for fileName in sourceFiles
console.log 'dealing with ', fileName
async.waterfall [
(callback) ->
console.log "going to read ", fileName
fs.readFile fileName, (err, content) ->
if err then throw err
callback null, fileName, content
(fileName, content, callback) ->
console.log 'length of: ', fileName, ' is: ', content.length
dealing with file1
going to read file1
length of file1 is 10
dealing with file2
going to read file2
length of file 2 is 20
dealing with file1
dealing with file2
going to read file2
going to read file2 <- note it is the same file repeated
length of file2 is 20
length of file2 is 20
我無法弄清楚爲什麼這會是這樣。 (這是一個coffeescript是沒有問題的,它也是JS中的輸出)