2008-12-28 28 views

我正在搭建一個博客引擎XSS安全的註釋。嘗試了很多不同的方法,但發現非常困難。從AntiXSS v3輸出中淨化html編碼的文本(#decimal notation)

當我顯示評論時,我首先使用Microsoft AntiXss 3.0來對html進行編碼。然後,我嘗試使用白名單方法對html安全標籤進行解碼。

一直在尋找在阿特伍德的「sanitize HTML」線程在refactormycode。

我的問題是,AntiXss庫將值編碼爲& #DECIMAL;記譜法,我不知道如何重寫史蒂夫的例子​​,因爲我的正則表達式知識是有限的。


< with < 
> with > 


class HtmlSanitizer 
    /// <summary> 
    /// A regex that matches things that look like a HTML tag after HtmlEncoding. Splits the input so we can get discrete 
    /// chunks that start with &lt; and ends with either end of line or &gt; 
    /// </summary> 
    private static Regex _tags = new Regex("&#60;(?!&#62;).+?(&#62;|$)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// A regex that will match tags on the whitelist, so we can run them through 
    /// HttpUtility.HtmlDecode 
    /// FIXME - Could be improved, since this might decode &gt; etc in the middle of 
    /// an a/link tag (i.e. in the text in between the opening and closing tag) 
    /// </summary> 
    private static Regex _whitelist = new Regex(@" 

     RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | 
     RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// HtmlDecode any potentially safe HTML tags from the provided HtmlEncoded HTML input using 
    /// a whitelist based approach, leaving the dangerous tags Encoded HTML tags 
    /// </summary> 
    public static string Sanitize(string html) 

     string tagname = ""; 
     Match tag; 
     MatchCollection tags = _tags.Matches(html); 
     string safeHtml = ""; 

     // iterate through all HTML tags in the input 
     for (int i = tags.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) 
      tag = tags[i]; 
      tagname = tag.Value.ToLowerInvariant(); 

      if (_whitelist.IsMatch(tagname)) 
       // If we find a tag on the whitelist, run it through 
       // HtmlDecode, and re-insert it into the text 
       safeHtml = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tag.Value); 
       html = html.Remove(tag.Index, tag.Length); 
       html = html.Insert(tag.Index, safeHtml); 


     return html; 



<p><script language="javascript">alert('XSS')</script><b>bold should work</b></p> 


&#60;p&#62;&#60;script language&#61;&#34;javascript&#34;&#62;alert&#40;&#39;XSS&#39;&#41;&#60;&#47;script&#62;&#60;b&#62;bold should work&#60;&#47;b&#62;&#60;&#47;p&#62; 


<p><script language="javascript">alert&#40;&#39;XSS&#39;&#41;</script><b>bold should work</b></p> 



只記得這一點:http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001171.html – some 2008-12-28 16:01:50


我一直都在這些鏈接的最後24小時。不能相信它必須如此複雜。正如他們在關於CSRF文章「Web開發缺乏可怕性」的評論中引用的那樣是非常真實的。 – jesperlind 2008-12-28 16:33:48


謹防白名單IMG標籤。 onerror屬性可用於插入腳本。 – PEZ 2008-12-28 16:37:29




private static Regex _whitelist = new Regex(@" 
    ^&\#60;(&\#47;)? (a|b(lockquote)?|code|em|h(1|2|3)|i|li|ol|p(re)?|s(ub|up|trong|trike)?|ul)&\#62;$ 

    RegexOptions.Singleline | 
    RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | 

更新2: 你可能有興趣在這個xssregexp網站。






我一直在尋找HTML Tidy,但還沒有嘗試過。然而,我使用Html Agility Pack來確保HTML是正確的(沒有孤立標籤)。這是在我運行AntiXss之前完成的。

如果我不能讓我當前的解決方案按我喜歡的方式工作,我會嘗試HTML Tidy,感謝您的建議。







class HtmlSanitizer 
    /// <summary> 
    /// A regex that matches things that look like a HTML tag after HtmlEncoding to &#DECIMAL; notation. Microsoft AntiXSS 3.0 can be used to preform this. Splits the input so we can get discrete 
    /// chunks that start with &#60; and ends with either end of line or &#62; 
    /// </summary> 
    private static readonly Regex _tags = new Regex(@"&\#60;(?!&\#62;).+?(&\#62;|$)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// A regex that will match tags on the whitelist, so we can run them through 
    /// HttpUtility.HtmlDecode 
    /// FIXME - Could be improved, since this might decode &#60; etc in the middle of 
    /// an a/link tag (i.e. in the text in between the opening and closing tag) 
    /// </summary> 

    private static readonly Regex _whitelist = new Regex(@" 
^&\#60;(&\#47;)? (a|b(lockquote)?|code|em|h(1|2|3)|i|li|ol|p(re)?|s(ub|up|trong|trike)?|ul)&\#62;$ 

     RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | 
     RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// HtmlDecode any potentially safe HTML tags from the provided HtmlEncoded HTML input using 
    /// a whitelist based approach, leaving the dangerous tags Encoded HTML tags 
    /// </summary> 
    public static string Sanitize(string html) 
     Match tag; 
     MatchCollection tags = _tags.Matches(html); 

     // iterate through all HTML tags in the input 
     for (int i = tags.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) 
      tag = tags[i]; 
      string tagname = tag.Value.ToLowerInvariant(); 

      if (_whitelist.IsMatch(tagname)) 
       // If we find a tag on the whitelist, run it through 
       // HtmlDecode, and re-insert it into the text 
       string safeHtml = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tag.Value); 
       html = html.Remove(tag.Index, tag.Length); 
       html = html.Insert(tag.Index, safeHtml); 
     return html; 