2017-04-18 17 views


how the output looks as of now


function secret(){ 
    var month = prompt("Enter the month:"); 
    var dumplings = prompt("How many dumplings did Po eat?"); 

    var total = parseInt(dumplings); 
    var test = false; 

    document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Month&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNumber of Dumplings<br>"; 
    document.getElementById("decision").innerHTML += month.toUpperCase()+"&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"+dumplings+" dumplings<br>"; 
     var month = prompt("Enter another month or enter 'done' when finished:"); 

     if (month == "done"){ 
      test = true; 

     var dumplings = prompt("How many dumplings did Po eat?"); 
     total += parseInt(dumplings); 
      document.getElementById("decision").innerHTML += month.toUpperCase()+"&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"+dumplings+" dumplings<br>"; 
    }while (test != true) 

    document.getElementById("phrase").innerHTML += "Po ate a total of "+total+" dumplings."; 

沒有什麼比使用'' 更好的方法。我建議讀一下CSS,讓它更適合HTML。 –



'。 – Barmar


使用' '進行佈局是我們在網絡初期所做的。您應該使用HTML表格或CSS進行佈局。 – Amy


  1. document.write是不一樣的東西innerHTML
  2. &nbsp;代表 「非換空間」。它只能用於解決一些着名的排版問題。例如,在法語中,你需要在一個單詞和一個問號之間有一個不間斷的空格。這裏使用&nbsp;是有意義的。
  3. 當你開發一個網站(即使是靜態頁面),你應該總是區分內容(HTML),該呈現(CSS)和行爲(JS)。

這裏您試圖使用HTML進行一些演示。這顯然是錯誤的。你必須使用CSS。 :)




// Run the code when the document is ready 
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ 

    // Set up variables that function will work with 
    var month = null; 
    var dumplings = null; 
    var total = null; 
    var test = false; 
    // Get references to the HTML elements that we'll need: 
    var tbl = document.getElementById("tbl");  
    var result = document.getElementById("result"); 
    // Begin loop 
    do { 
    month = prompt("Enter month or enter 'done' when finished:"); 
    if (month === "done"){ 
     test = true; 
    // We will want to work with this answer as a number, so we'll parse the 
    // integer out of it (using base 10). 
    dumplings = parseInt(prompt("How many dumplings did Po eat?"), 10); 

    // Create a new row for the table 
    var row = tbl.insertRow(); 
    // Create a new cell in that row at position 0 
    var cell = row.insertCell(0); 
    // Populate the cell (use textContent instead of innerHTML when no HTML will be used) 
    cell.textContent = month.toUpperCase(); 
    // Repeat for second cell in row 
    cell = row.insertCell(1); 
    cell.textContent = dumplings; 
    // Add dumpling count to the total 
    total += dumplings; 
    } while (!test) 
    // Once we are out of the loop, remove the hidden class from the table (thus, showing it) 

    // Update the result area with the total. 
    result.textContent += "Po ate a total of " + total + " dumplings."; 

/* CSS allows us to query the document for elements and indicate how they should be presented */ 

/* Here's a class that indicates that anything using it should not be displayed. 
    The HTML table has class="hidden" so that it starts off not shown.    */ 
.hidden { display:none; } 

/* Give the table a background color */ 
table { background-color:aliceblue; } 

/* Put some space around all 4 edges of each cell */ 
th, td { padding:3px; }
<h1>Poe's Dumpling Log:</h1> 
<table class="hidden" id="tbl"> 

<div id="result"></div>