我完全停留在這個錯誤之後,在線教程解釋了在Python中編寫OpenAI腳本的概念。完整的錯誤是:「UnboundLocalError:本地變量'獎勵''在assingment之前引用」在OpenAI Python腳本
TypeError: local variable 'reward_n' referenced before assignment
import gym
import random
#reinforcement learning step
def determine_turn(turn, observation_n, j, total_sum, prev_total_sum, reward_n):
#for every 15 iterations, sum the total observations, and take the average
#if lower than 0, change the direction
#if we go 15+ iterations and get a reward each step, we're doing something right
#thats when we turn
if(j >= 15):
if(total_sum/ j) == 0:
turn = True
turn = False
#reset vars
total_sum = 0
j = 0
prev_total_sum = total_sum
total_sum = 0
turn = False
if(observation_n != None):
#increment counter and reward sum
total_sum += reward_n
return(turn, j, total_sum, prev_total_sum)
def main():
#init environment
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
observation_n = env.reset()
#init variables
# num of game iterations
n = 0
j = 0
#sum of observations
total_sum = 0
prev_total_sum = 0
turn = False
#define our turns or keyboard actions
left = 0
right = 1
forward = env.action_space.sample()
#main logic
while True:
#increment a counter for number of iterations
#if at least one iteration is made, check if turn is needed
if(n > 1):
#if at least one iteration, check if a turn
if(observation_n[0] != None):
#store the reward in the previous score
prev_score = reward_n[0]
#should we turn?
#pick a random event
#where to turn?
event = random.choice([left,right])
#perform an action
action_n = [event for ob in observation_n]
#set turn to false
turn = False
#if no turn is needed, go straight
action_n = [forward for ob in observation_n]
#if there is an obseravtion, game has started, check if turn needed
if(observation_n[0] != None):
turn, j, total_sum, prev_total_sum = determine_turn(turn, observation_n[0], j, total_sum, prev_total_sum, reward_n[0])
#save new variables for each iteration
observation_n, reward_n, done_n, info = env.step(action_n)
if __name__ == '__main__':
不要在採取行動前期待獎勵。 – YvesgereY