2015-08-22 44 views

我遇到了一個我的python程序問題,並且我花了太多時間嘗試修復它,但是我不能。我希望你能幫助我。Python - 「在分配之前引用的本地x變量」(CLOSED)


def choose_winnerPvsP(p1,p2): 

當我運行播放器的一部分VS電腦炒鍋完美,但玩家對玩家的一部分給了我這個錯誤:「局部變量player_1score轉讓前參考「 我不明白爲什麼if不會被檢查。 PS:我是一個初學者,我知道代碼可以更緊湊,但現在我只想要這個東西工作。在此先感謝

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 

from random import * 
from time import sleep 
import sys 
import os 

os.system("cls") #ou "clear" se estiver em linux 

print "******Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors Game!******\n" 

playerOrComputer = str(raw_input("Would you like to play against a friend or a computer?(F or C) \n")) 

p1_score = 0 
p2_score = 0 

def player_turn(nome_player): 
    print "What do you want to do, " + nome_player + "?" 
    pchoice = str(raw_input("ROCK (R) PAPER (P) SCISSORS (S) or Quit\n>> ")) 
    if pchoice == "R" or pchoice == "r": 
     print "You chosed ROCK" 
    elif pchoice == "P" or pchoice == "p": 
     print "You chosed PAPER" 
    elif pchoice == "S" or pchoice == "s": 
     print "You chosed SCISSORS" 
    elif pchoice == "quit" or pchoice == "Quit": 
     print "I didn't understand! Please repeat." 
    return pchoice 

def player_turn2p(nome_player1,p2): 
    print "What do you want to do, " + nome_player1 + "?" 
    pchoice1 = str(raw_input("ROCK (R) PAPER (P) SCISSORS (S)\n>> ")) 
    if pchoice1 == "R" or pchoice1 == "r": 
     pchoice1 = "ROCK" 
     print "You chosed ROCK" 
    elif pchoice1 == "P" or pchoice1 == "p": 
     pchoice1 = "PAPER" 
     print "You chosed PAPER" 
    elif pchoice1 == "S" or pchoice1 == "s": 
     pchoice1 = "SCISSORS" 
     print "You chosed SCISSORS" 
    elif pchoice1 == "quit" or pchoice == "Quit": 
     print "I didn't understand!" 
    print "What do you want to do, " + p2 + "?" 
    pchoice2 = str(raw_input("ROCK (R) PAPER (P) SCISSORS (S)\n>> ")) 
    if pchoice2 == "R" or pchoice2 == "r": 
     print p2 + " chosed ROCK\n" + nome_player1 + " chosed " + pchoice1 
    elif pchoice2 == "P" or pchoice2 == "p": 
     print p2 + " chosed PAPER\n" + nome_player1 + " chosed " + pchoice1 
    elif pchoice2 == "S" or pchoice2 == "s": 
     print p2 + " chosed SCISSORS\n" + nome_player1 + " chosed " + pchoice1 
    elif pchoice1 == "quit" or pchoice == "Quit": 
     print "I didn't understand!" 
    return pchoice1, pchoice2 

def computer_turn(): 
    choicecomp = randint(1,3) 
    if choicecomp == 1: 
     choicecomp = "ROCK" 
    elif choicecomp == 2: 
     choicecomp = "PAPER" 
    elif choicecomp == 3: 
     choicecomp = "SCISSORS" 
    return choicecomp 
    #1-Rock 2-Paper 3-Scissors 

def choose_winnerPvsP(p1,p2): 
    player_choice1, player_choice2= player_turn2p(p1,p2) 
    if player_choice1 == "R" and player_choice2 == "R" or player_choice1 == "r" and player_choice2 == "r" or player_choice1 == "R" and player_choice2 == "r" or player_choice1 == "r" and player_choice2 == "R": 
     player_1score = "lose" 
     player_2score = "win" 
     print "******It's a draw!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "R" and player_choice2 == "P" or player_choice1 == "r" and player_choice2 == "p" or player_choice1 == "R" and player_choice2 == "p" or player_choice1 == "r" and player_choice2 == "P": 
     player_1score = "lose" 
     player_2score = "win" 
     print "******" + p2 + " wins!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "R" and player_choice2 == "S" or player_choice1 == "r" and player_choice2 == "s" or player_choice1 == "R" and player_choice2 == "s" or player_choice1 == "r" and player_choice2 == "S": 
     player_1score = "win" 
     player_2score = "lose" 
     print "******" + p1 + " wins!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "P" and player_choice2 == "R" or player_choice1 == "p" and player_choice2 == "r" or player_choice1 == "P" and player_choice2 == "r" or player_choice1 == "p" and player_choice2 == "R": 
     player_1score = "win" 
     player_2score = "lose" 
     print "******" + p1 + " wins!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "P" and player_choice2 == "P" or player_choice1 == "p" and player_choice2 == "p" or player_choice1 == "P" and player_choice2 == "p" or player_choice1 == "p" and player_choice2 == "P":  
     player_1score = "draw" 
     player_2score = "draw" 
     print "******It's a draw!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "P" and player_choice2 == "S" or player_choice1 == "p" and player_choice2 == "s" or player_choice1 == "P" and player_choice2 == "s" or player_choice1 == "p" and player_choice2 == "S": 
     player_1score = "lose" 
     player_2score = "win" 
     print "******" + p2 + " wins!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "S" and player_choice2 == "R" or player_choice1 == "s" and player_choice2 == "r" or player_choice1 == "S" and player_choice2 == "r" or player_choice1 == "s" and player_choice2 == "R": 
     player_1score = "lose" 
     player_2score = "win" 
     print "******" + p2 + " wins!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "S" and player_choice2 == "P" or player_choice1 == "s" and player_choice2 == "p" or player_choice1 == "S" and player_choice2 == "p" or player_choice1 == "s" and player_choice2 == "P": 
     player_1score = "win" 
     player_2score = "lose" 
     print "******" + p1 + " wins!******" 
    elif player_choice1 == "S" and player_choice2 == "S" or player_choice1 == "s" and player_choice2 == "s" or player_choice1 == "S" and player_choice2 == "s" or player_choice1 == "s" and player_choice2 == "S": 
     player_1score = "draw" 
     player_2score = "draw" 
     print "******It's a draw!******" 
    return player_1score, player_2score 

def choose_winnerPvsC(player_name,player_choice, computer_choice): 

    if player_choice == "R" and computer_choice == "ROCK" or player_choice == "r" and computer_choice == "ROCK": 
     computer_score = "draw" 
     player_score = "draw" 
     print "******It's a draw!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "R" and computer_choice == "PAPER" or player_choice == "r" and computer_choice == "PAPER": 
     computer_score = "win" 
     player_score = "lose" 
     print "******I win!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "R" and computer_choice == "SCISSORS" or player_choice == "r" and computer_choice == "SCISSORS": 
     player_score = "win" 
     computer_score = "lose" 
     print "******" + player_name + " wins!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "P" and computer_choice == "ROCK" or player_choice == "p" and computer_choice == "ROCK": 
     player_score = "win" 
     computer_score = "lose" 
     print "******" + player_name + " wins!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "P" and computer_choice == "PAPER" or player_choice == "p" and computer_choice == "PAPER":  
     computer_score = "draw" 
     player_score = "draw" 
     print "******It's a draw!******" 
    elif player_choice == "P" and computer_choice == "SCISSORS" or player_choice == "p" and computer_choice == "SCISSORS": 
     computer_score = "win" 
     player_score = "lose" 
     print "******I win!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "S" and computer_choice == "ROCK" or player_choice == "s" and computer_choice == "ROCK": 
     computer_score = "win" 
     player_score = "lose" 
     print "******I win!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "S" and computer_choice == "PAPER" or player_choice == "s" and computer_choice == "PAPER": 
     player_score = "win" 
     computer_score = "lose" 
     print "******" + player_name + " wins!****** " 
    elif player_choice == "S" and computer_choice == "SCISSORS" or player_choice == "s" and computer_choice == "SCISSORS": 
     computer_score = "draw" 
     player_score = "draw" 
     print "******It's a draw!****** " 
    return player_score, computer_score 

def loopPvsP(): 
    p1score = 0   
    p2score = 0  
    while True: 
     player_1score, player_2score = choose_winnerPvsP(p1,p2) 
     if player_1score == "win": 
      p1score += 1 
     elif player_2score == "win": 
      p2score += 1 
     print p1 + ":",p1score 
     print p2 + ":",p2score 
     if p1score == 5: 
      print "-+-+-+-+-"+ p1.upper() + "IS THE BIG WINNER!!-+-+-+-+-" 
     elif p2score == 5: 
      print "-+-+-+-+-"+ p2.upper() + "IS THE BIG WINNER!!-+-+-+-+-" 

def loopPvsC(): 
    pscore = 0 
    cscore = 0 
    while True: 
     pchoice = player_turn(p1c) 
     choicecomp = computer_turn() 
     print "I chosed "+ choicecomp + "!" 
     player_score, computer_score = choose_winnerPvsC(p1c,pchoice, choicecomp) 
     if computer_score == "win": 
      cscore += 1 
     elif player_score == "win": 
      pscore += 1 
     print "Computer:",cscore 
     print p1c + ":",pscore 
     if pscore == 5: 
      print "-+-+-+-+-YOU ARE THE BIG WINNER!!-+-+-+-+-" 
     elif cscore == 5: 
      print "-+-+-+-+-I'M THE BIG WINNER!!-+-+-+-+-" 

if playerOrComputer == "f" or playerOrComputer == "F": 
    p1 = str(raw_input("Player 1: ")) 
    p2 = str(raw_input("Player 2: ")) 

elif playerOrComputer == "c" or playerOrComputer == "C": 
    p1c = str(raw_input("Player: ")) 

    print "That's not what I asked!" 

使用調試器,所以你會知道爲什麼'if'內容沒有被執行。 – BartoszKP


我很抱歉,但我不知道如何使用調試器。但謝謝你的答案。我會看看我能做些什麼。 –


然後,這聽起來像是學習如何這樣做的最佳時機,除非您希望將所有調試問題都視爲SO問題。您可以從閱讀[Eric Lippert關於調試諸如您的小程序的這篇出色文章]開始。(http://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/)。 –



呃。調試器被高估 - 我在Python中使用了多年,而沒有使用它。只需添加一個最終else子句您若大/ elif的語句:

    print "Did not find answer" 
    print repr(player_choice), repr(computer_choice) 

如果不打的話,就意味着你有一個錯字別的地方,也許吧。無論如何,如果需要的話,你當然可以添加更多的調試語句 - 每個elif子句一個。

這引出了另一點 - 你有很多if/elif子句。



好的謝謝你的答案!順便說一下,什麼是「字典」? –


「字典」是「字典」的縮寫 - 鍵/值映射對象 –


非常感謝! –
