#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
//Class for a card deck:
class CardDeck
CardDeck(int theValue, string theSuit);
// Setters--Don't think we will need
void setValue(int theValue);
void setSuit(string theSuit);
// Getters
int getValue();
string getSuit();
int value;
string suit;
};// end CardDeck class
int main()
int i = 0;
int gameInPlay = 1;
const string DR = "Dragons";
const string MG = "Mages";
const string WR = "Warriors";
const string CF = "Confessors";
vector<CardDeck> startDeck(52);
vector<CardDeck> tempCards(1);
// Dragons Suit
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
startDeck[i].setValue(i - 12);
// startDeck[i].setSuit("Dragons");
// Mages Suit
for (i = 13; i < 26; i++)
startDeck[i].setValue(i - 12);
for (i = 26; i < 39; i++)
startDeck[i].setValue(i - 25);
for (i = 39; i < 52; i++)
startDeck[i].setValue(i - 38);
// Output for de-bug
cout << "The first card is " << startDeck[0].getValue() << " of " << startDeck[0].getSuit() << endl;
cout << "The second card is " << startDeck[1].getValue() << " of " << startDeck[1].getSuit() << "\n\n";
// Shuffle the deck
int shuffleTimes = (rand() % 120) + 1;
// Need to shuffle a random # of times, else deck is
// "shuffled" in same order every time
for (int i = 0; i < shuffleTimes; i++)
for (i = 0; i < startDeck.size(); i++)
int second = rand() % startDeck.size();
CardDeck temp = startDeck[i];
startDeck[i] = startDeck[second];
startDeck[second] = temp;
// Verify cards are shuffled for de-bug
cout << "After shuffling:\n Value \t Suit\n";
// Output for de-bug
cout << "The first card is " << startDeck[0].getValue() << " of " << startDeck[0].getSuit() << endl;
cout << "The second card is " << startDeck[1].getValue() << " of " << startDeck[1].getSuit() << endl;
// Creat human deck
vector<CardDeck> humanDeck(26);
for (i = 0; i< 26; i++)
humanDeck[i] = startDeck[i];
// Creat computer deck
vector<CardDeck> computerDeck(26);
for (i = 0; i< 26; i++)
computerDeck[i] = startDeck[i + 26];
// Output for de-bug
cout << "The first human card is " << humanDeck[0].getValue() << " of " << humanDeck[0].getSuit() << endl;
cout << "The second human card is " << humanDeck[1].getValue() << " of " << humanDeck[1].getSuit() << "\n\n";
cout << "The first computer card is " << computerDeck[0].getValue() << " of " << computerDeck[0].getSuit() << endl;
cout << "The second computer card is " << computerDeck[1].getValue() << " of " << computerDeck[1].getSuit() << "\n\n";
return 0;
} // end main
// Functions for CardDeck class
CardDeck::CardDeck(int theValue, string theSuit)
value = theValue;
suit = theSuit;
void CardDeck::setValue(int theValue)
value = theValue;
void CardDeck::setSuit(string theSuit)
suit = theSuit;
int CardDeck::getValue()
return value;
string CardDeck::getSuit()
return suit;
- 謝謝
如果'i'是'0'而你做'我 - 12'結果如何? –
順便說一句'srand()'應該在程序一開始就被調用,永遠不會再次 – yizzlez
謝謝你 – Aritoone