2017-01-13 43 views

嗨我有一個基於文本的遊戲(python 2.7)的幾個問題。現在遊戲只允許我殺死一個隨機怪物,之後,如果我進入另一場隨機戰鬥,怪物已經死了,戰鬥功能不會超過幾個打印語句。基於文本的遊戲隨機戰鬥/ hp python 2.7




import random 

class Room: 
    def __init__(self, name, description, doors, items): 
     self.name = name 
     self.description = description 
     self.doors = doors 
     self.items = items 

def check(self,item_name): #checks words in a room description 
    if not (item_name in self.items): 
     print "checked [" + item_name + "], but found nothing " 


class item: 
    def check(self): 
     print "default check, do nothing" 

class Weapon(): 
    def attack(self,monster): 

class PulseRifle(Weapon): 
    def __str__(self,player,damage,ammo): 
     self.name = "pulse rifle" 
     self.player = player 
     self.damage = monster.hp -2 
     self.ammo = 7 

def bullet(self): # should ammo be a class? 
    if ammo > 0: 
     "pulse rifle" == True 
    if ammo <= 0: 
     "pulse rifle" == False 

class CombatKnife(Weapon): 
    def __init__(self,player): 
     self.name = "combat knife" 
     self.damage = monster.hp - 1 

class Character: 
    def __init__(self,hp): 
     self.hp = hp 

def attack(self, other): 
    raise NotImplementedError 

class Player(Character): 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.name = "chad" 
     self.hp = 10 
     self.x = 0 
     self.y = 0 
     self.items = {} 

def attack(self,other): # lets a player attack, and defines the damage his options do 
    answer = input ("what action would you like to pick?") 
    if answer.lower() in ("pulse rifle", "combat knife"): 
     if answer == "pulse rifle": 
      other.hp -= int(2) 
     elif answer == "combat knife": 
      other.hp -= int(1) 

def is_alive(self): 
    return self.hp > 0 

class Monster(Character): # This is the only enemy you encounter. I want the player to fight 1 on 1 battles. 
    def __init__(self): #Right now if you kill 1 monster, it wont let you engage others in battle. 
     self.name = "infested marine" 
     self.hp = 3 

def attack(self, other): 
    print ("the infested marine attacks...".format(self)) 
    player.hp -= int(1) 

def is_alive(self): 
    return self.hp > 0 

class Prison: 
    # This is the main framework of the game 
    global battle 

    global player 
    player = Player() 
    global monster 
    monster = Monster() 

def __init__(self): 
    self.hp = int 
    self.player = Player() 
    self.rooms = [] 
    self.is_playing = True 

def build_rooms(self): 

    cell_1 = Room(name="Cell 1", 
        description="The door to your cell is open. There is a bucket of urine and feces in the corner. .", 
        doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": False, "east": True}, 
    forced_feeding_room = Room(name="Forced Eating Room", 
           description="There is a chair with straps. \nIn a corner of the room is a blender with tubes attaced to the top\n" + 
              "You see hundreds of rats hanging around a stool.\n Stools are great for reaching high places", 
           doors={"north": False, "south": True, "west": True, "east": True}, 
    hall_1 = Room(name="hall one", 
        description="The lights flicker on and off in the long hall.", 
        doors={"north": False, "south": True, "west": True, "east": True}, 
    janitor_closet = Room(name="janitor closet", 
          description="There are a lot of cleaning supplies in here. Along with a small box", 
          doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": True, "east": False}, 
    cell2 = Room(name="cell 2", 
       description="A babbling old man begs you to relase him n\ There is a guard with a bite wound on his neck. He is no longer alive.", 
       doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": False, "east": True}, 
    needle_room = Room(name="needle room", 
         description="There is a blood stained mattress that is soiled with feces and cum amount other things,why would you want to touch that? \n There is a pile of dirty needles that look useless. \n There is also an old dresser with a red lock", 
         doors={"north": True, "south": True, "west": True, "east": True}, 
    hall_2 = Room(name="hall 2", 
        description="This hallway is boring", 
        doors={"north": True, "south": True, "west": True, "east": True}, 
    food_lift = Room(name="food lift", 
        description="The lift wire has sharp barbs on it,gloves would be nice to have. \n The lift looks like a small child could fit up there.", 
        doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": True, "east": False}, 
    cell3 = Room(name="cell 3", 
       description="The darkness is everywhere in here. You can hear a loud skittering noise in the darkness. If only you had a light source. \n A burnable item,something to hold it,something to ignite it,and some lighter fluid would do the trick", 
       doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": False, "east": True}, 
    eat_shit_room = Room(name="eat shit room", 
         description="This room has a man that weighs 700 pounds tied to a chair.\n A small constant stream of liquid taco bell is going down his throat. Attached to his ass is a tube that ends in a funnel with a head strap", 
         doors={"north": True, "south": True, "west": True, "east": True}, 
    hall_3 = Room(name="hall3", 
        description="Nothing to do but walk", 
        doors={"north": True, "south": True, "west": True, "east": True}, 
    generator = Room(name="generator room ", 
        description="There is a sign that reads. \n use the station here to test oil before pouring. check the oil. \n There is a small red key on the floor", 
        doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": True, "east": False}, 
        items={ }) 
    cell4 = Room(name="cell4", 
       description=" There is a dead naked prison guard in a tiny cage. n\ next to the cage is a pile of clothes ", 
       doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": False, "east": True}, 
    pinata_room = Room(name="pinata room", 
         description="There are several dead men in here,each of which is hanging by his feet. one of the dead men has a pair of thick gloves. Each of the bodies is covered in deep bruises \n There is a shelf that is too high for you to reach without a stool.", 
         doors={"north": True, "south": False, "east": True, "west": True}, 
    hall_4 = Room(name="hall4", 
        description="There is a door to the east with a key card reader.", 
        doors={"north": True, "south": False, "west": True, "east": False}, 
    storage_room = Room(name="storage room", 
         description="A room with blankets and pillows. None of which the prisoners ever get to use. There is a ladder that leads up, and a hole that you can squeeze through.", 
         doors={"north": False, "south": False, "west": True, "east": False}, 

    self.rooms = [ #an array of rooms this is how you move about the prison 
       [cell_1, forced_feeding_room, hall_1, janitor_closet], 
       [cell2, needle_room, hall_2, food_lift], 
       [cell3, eat_shit_room, hall_3, generator], 
       [cell4, pinata_room, hall_4, storage_room] 

def new_game(self): 
    self.player = Player() 

    self.player.y = 0 
    self.player.x = 0 

    self.is_playing = True 
    print "starting game" 

def battle(self): 
    # this is what i use for random monster battles 
    print "an infested marine appears" 
    print "type pulse rifle or battle knife in parenthesis" 

    while player.hp > 0 and monster.hp > 0: 
     print ("the health of the monster is now {0.hp}.".format(monster)) 
     if monster.hp <= 0: 
     print ("your hp is now{0.hp}.".format(player)) 
    if player.hp > 0: 
     print ("you killed the infested marine") 
    elif monster.hp > 0: 
     print ("the infested marine killed you.".format(monster)) 

def describe_room(self): 
    print self.get_current_room().description 

def print_room_name(self): 
    print "you are in the " + self.get_current_room().name 

def get_current_room(self): 
    return self.rooms[self.player.y][self.player.x] 

def handle_input(self): 
    input = raw_input("enter a commmand") 

    if input == "help" or input == "h": 

    elif input == "me" or input == "m": # this is a check to see your current stats. When I do this check, I notice my HP goes back to max after a battle is over. 
     print "HP: " + str(self.player.hp) 
     print "Your location (" + str(self.player.x) + "," + str(self.player.y) + ")" 
     print "Doors: " + str(self.get_current_room().doors) 
     print "Inventory: " + str(self.player.items) 

    elif input == "describe" or input == "d": 

    elif input == "north" or input == "n": 
     global player 
     if self.get_current_room().doors["north"]: 
      print "Walking North" 
      self.player.y -= 1 
      animal = random.randint(1,20) 
      if animal <= 5: # this is what i use to determine the probablity of a random batttle 
       print ("hi") 
       battle(self) # starts the battle function 
      elif animal >= 6: 
       print ("no") 

      print "There is no door in that direction" 

    elif input == "south" or input == "s": 
     if self.get_current_room().doors["south"]: 
      global player 
      print "Walking South" 
      self.player.y += 1 
      animal = random.randint(1,20) 
      if animal <= 5: # this is what i use to determine the probablity of a random batttle 
       print ("hi") 
      elif animal >= 6: 
       battle(self) # starts the battle function 
       print ("no") 

      print "you try going south......there is no door" 

    elif input == "west" or input == "w": 
     if self.get_current_room().doors["west"]: 
      print "Walking West" 
      self.player.x -= 1 
      animal = random.randint(1,20) 
      if animal <= 5: # this is what i use to determine the probablity of a random batttle 
       print ("hi") 
       battle(self) # starts the battle function 
      elif animal >= 6: 
       print ("no") 

      print "it would be nice to go west. To bad there isn't a door there. pay attention to where your going" 

    elif input == "east" or input == "e": 
     if self.get_current_room().doors["east"]: 
      print "Walking East" 
      self.player.x += 1 
      animal = random.randint(1,6) 
      if animal <= 5: # this is what i use to determine the probablity of a random batttle 
       print ("hi") 
       battle(self)# starts the battle function 
      elif animal >= 6: 
       print ("no") 

      print "you try going east but you run right into a wall." 

    elif input.startswith("check ") or input.startswith("c "): # checks items in a room 
     pieces = input.split(" ") 
     item_name = pieces[1] 

    elif input.startswith("use ") or input.startswith("u "): # command to use items that are in your inventory 
     pieces = input.split(" ") 
     item_name = pieces[1] 
     if item_name in self.player.items: 

      if isinstance(self.player.items[item_name], UsableItem): #this is code to use an usable item. 
       del self.player.items[item_name] 

       print "The item [" + item_name + "] is not usable." 

      print "The item [" + item_name + "] is not in your inventory." 

    elif input == "exit": 
     self.is_playing = False 

     print "Unknown command [" + input + "] " 

def help(self): # this prints when an invalid command is inputted 
    print "bad command. Check an item, use an item, or check your environment.??" 

def play(self):# starts a new game 
    print "Type m to check your stats, type d for room descriptions." 
    print "The command check. Check your environment, or you can check an item. The use command is for medkits " 

    while self.is_playing: 

     if not self.player.is_alive(): 
      print "you are dead" 
      self.is_playing = False 

    print "game over try again" 

prison = Prison() 





class Prison: 
    # This is the main framework of the game 
    global battle 

    global player 
    player = Player() 
    global monster 
    monster = Monster() # <-- one monster created here, line is only executed once (definition of class, instantiation of static variable) 



def battle(self): 
    # this is what i use for random monster battles 
    print "an infested marine appears" 
    print "type pulse rifle or battle knife in parenthesis" 

    # monster = Monster() - Try this for a new monster each battle 

    while player.hp > 0 and monster.hp > 0: 
     print ("the health of the monster is now {0.hp}.".format(monster)) 
     if monster.hp <= 0: 
     print ("your hp is now{0.hp}.".format(player)) 
    if player.hp > 0: 
     print ("you killed the infested marine") 
    elif monster.hp > 0: 
     print ("the infested marine killed you.".format(monster)) 




def attack(self, other): 
    print ("the infested marine attacks...".format(self)) 
    player.hp -= int(1) 


 print "HP: " + str(self.player.hp) 


class Prison: 

    # This is the main framework of the game 
    global battle 

    global player 
    player = Player() # 1) <-- One global player that exists no matter how many Prisons there are! 
    global monster 
    monster = Monster() 

def __init__(self): 
    self.hp = int 
    self.player = Player() # 2) <-- A player that exists PER Prison! 
    self.rooms = [] 
    self.is_playing = True 

注意,至少有2名球員在比賽中,看到Player()發生以上情況。一個是所有監獄中都存在的global player,並且只有一個,並且只有其中一個!另一個是您創建的每個監獄存在的self.player。這意味着每次您撥打Prison()時,__init__函數都會運行併爲該遊戲創建一個新的Player,與前一個遊戲不同。




謝謝你的幫助。很多朋友評論你的答案有多好。 –


沒問題,並感謝您的反饋。希望它解決了這個問題。學習新代碼會有很多陷阱,但有點固執,知道如何提出正確的問題還有很長的路要走。 – GantTheWanderer