#' Function to return column names from a SQLite database
#' @param conn An RSQLite connection to a database
#' @param name Character string giving the name of the table you want column names for
#' @export dbGetColnames
#' @return Character vector of column names
dbGetColnames <- function(conn, name) {
x <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste0("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = '",name,"' AND type = 'table'"))[1,1]
x <- sub("^.*\\((.+)\\).*$", "\\1", x)
x <- str_split(x,",")[[1]]
x <- gsub('[\t\n"]','', x)
x <- gsub('^ *','', x)
vapply(str_split(x ," "), first, "")
#' Write a table via RSQLite with factors stored in another table
#' Handles data.tables efficiently for large datasets
#' @param conn The connection object (created with e.g. dbConnect)
#' @param name The name of the table to write
#' @param value The data.frame to write to the database
#' @param factorName The base name of the tables to store the factor labels in in the SQLite database (e.g. if factorName is "_factor_" and the data.frame in value contains a factor column called "color" and the name is "mytable" then dbWriteFactorTable will create a table called mytable_factor_color which will store the levels information)
#' @param append a logical specifying whether to append to an existing table in the DBMS.
#' @param \dots Options to pass along to dbWriteTable (e.g. append=TRUE)
#' @return A boolean indicating whether the table write was successful
#' @export dbWriteFactorTable
#' @examples
#' library(RSQLite)
#' load_all(file.path(.db,"R-projects","taRifx"))
# Create
#' dbFilename <- tempfile()
#' db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=dbFilename)
# Write test
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor(sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE)))
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' dbWriteTable(conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE)
#' testDat2 <- data.frame(key=seq(n+1,n+100), x=runif(100))
#' dbWriteTable(conn = db, name="test", value = testDat2, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
# Read test
#' testRecovery <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' testSelection <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test WHERE g3=='h' OR g3=='e' ")
#' testSelection
# Test removing rows matching criteria
#' for(i in 1:10) dbWriteTable(conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
#' dbSendQuery(db, "DELETE FROM test WHERE g3=='a'")
#' # Test factor conversion
#' testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor(sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE)))
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test_factor_g3")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test_factor_g3")
#' dbWriteFactorTable(conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE)
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test_factor_g3")
#' testDat$g3 <- factor(sample(letters[6:15],n,replace=TRUE))
#' dbWriteFactorTable(conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test_factor_g3")
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' dbWriteFactorTable(conn = db, name = "test", value = as.data.table(testDat), row.names=FALSE)
#' dbReadFactorTable(conn = db, name = "test")
#' dbReadFactorTable(conn = db, name = "test", query="WHERE g3=='a'")
#' # -- Test merging of tables where the columns don't line up -- #
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' testDat <- data.frame(key=seq(n), x=runif(n),y=runif(n),g1=sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE),g2=rep(letters[1:10],each=n/10),g3=factor(sample(letters[1:10],n,replace=TRUE)))
#' if(dbExistsTable(db,"test")) dbRemoveTable(db,"test")
#' dbWriteFactorTable(conn = db, name = "test", value = testDat, row.names=FALSE)
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' # Add a table with columns that are a subset of the SQL table
#' testDat2 <- data.frame(key=seq(n+1,n+100), y=runif(100))
#' dbWriteFactorTable(conn = db, name="test", value = testDat2, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' # Add a table where the columns are a superset of the SQL table's
#' testDat3 <- data.frame(key=seq(n+101,n+200), x=runif(100), n=runif(100))
#' dbWriteFactorTable(conn = db, name="test", value = testDat3, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE )
#' dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test")
#' # Finish up
#' dbDisconnect(db) # close connection
#' unlink(dbFilename) # delete tempfile
dbWriteFactorTable <- function(conn, name, value, factorName="_factor_", append=FALSE, ...) {
# Test inputs
stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(value))
if(grepl("[.]",factorName)) stop("factorName must use valid characters for SQLite")
if("data.table" %in% class(value)) {
dt <- TRUE # Is value a data.table, if so use more efficient methods
} else {
dt <- FALSE
# Convert factors to character
factorCols <- names(Filter(function(x) x=="factor", vapply(value, class, "")))
if(length(factorCols>0)) {
for(cl in which(colnames(value) %in% factorCols)) {
cn <- colnames(value)[cl]
factorTable <- data.frame(levels=levels(value[[ cn ]]))
factorTable$levelKey <- seq(nrow(factorTable))
fctNm <- paste0(name,factorName,cn)
fctTableExists <- dbExistsTable(conn = conn , name = fctNm)
# Write out the factor table
if(append & fctTableExists) {
oldFactorTable <- dbGetQuery(conn = conn, paste("SELECT levelKey, levels FROM",fctNm))
levelExists <- factorTable$levels %in% oldFactorTable$levels
if(!all(levelExists)) {
startLevelKey <- max(oldFactorTable$levelKey) + 1
addLevels <- factorTable$levels[!levelExists]
newFactorTable <- data.frame(
levels = addLevels,
levelKey = seq(startLevelKey, startLevelKey + length(addLevels) - 1)
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = fctNm, value = newFactorTable, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
} # If all levels exist, don't update the table -- go straight to converting the factor to character
} else {
if(fctTableExists) {
warning(paste("Append set to FALSE but the factor table named",fctNm,"exists. Deleting."))
dbRemoveTable(conn=conn, name = fctNm)
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = fctNm, value = factorTable, row.names = FALSE)
# Convert variable cl to character in the main data.frame (value) that we'll write to the main SQL table
if(dt) set(x=value, j=cl, value=as.character(value[[ cn ]]))
if(!dt) value <- japply(value, which(colnames(value) %in% factorCols), as.character)
} else {
#warning("No factor columns detected.")
if(append) {
# If we're appending, check that the number of columns of the new table is equal to the number of columns of the old table
# Only run this code if we're appending, because otherwise the table won't exist
sqlColnames <- dbGetColnames(conn, name)
colnamesSubset <- !all(sqlColnames %in% colnames(value))
colnamesSuperset <- !all(colnames(value) %in% sqlColnames)
if(colnamesSuperset) {
addCols <- colnames(value)[ !colnames(value) %in% sqlColnames ]
for(ac in addCols) {
warning(paste("Adding column",ac,"to SQL table"))
} # If it's a superset but not a subset, then we're done (allow it to return back to the second if where it just writes value directly)
if(colnamesSubset) {
# Write our database to a temporary table
tempTableName <- "temp_dbWriteFactorTable"
if(dbExistsTable(conn,tempTableName)) dbRemoveTable(conn,tempTableName)
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name=tempTableName, value = value, row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE )
# Add any columns to input data.frame that are in target table, then merge
sqlColnames <- dbGetColnames(conn, name) # Reset these now that we've possibly tinkered with them in the superset section
dfColnames <- sqlColnames
dfColnames[ !sqlColnames %in% colnames(value) ] <- "null"
status <- dbSendQuery(conn,
"INSERT INTO", name,
paste(dfColnames, collapse=","),
# Remove temporary table
if(!append || (append & !colnamesSubset)) { # Either we're not appending, or the columns in the input and target tables exactly match (possibly after we added columns with the superset code)
status <- dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = name, value = value, append=append, ...)
#' Read a table via RSQLite with factors stored in another table
#' @param conn The connection object (created with e.g. dbConnect)
#' @param name The name of the table to read
#' @param query A character string containing sequel statements to be appended onto the query (e.g. "WHERE x==3")
#' @param dt Whether to return a data.table vs. a plain-old data.frame
#' @param factorName The base name of the tables to store the factor labels in in the SQLite database (e.g. if factorName is "_factor_" and the data.frame in value contains a factor column called "color" and the name is "mytable" then dbWriteFactorTable will expect there to be a table called mytable_factor_color which holds the levels information)
#' @param \dots Options to pass along to dbGetQuery
#' @return A data.table or data.frame
#' @export dbReadFactorTable
dbReadFactorTable <- function(conn, name, query="", dt=TRUE, factorName="_factor_", ...) {
# Test inputs
if(grepl("[.]",factorName)) stop("factorName must use valid characters for SQLite")
# Read main table
if(dt) {
value <- as.data.table(dbGetQuery(conn, paste("SELECT * FROM",name,query), ...))
} else {
value <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste("SELECT * FROM",name,query), ...)
# Convert factors to character
factorCols <- sub(paste0("^.*",name,factorName,"(.+)$"), "\\1",
str_extract(dbListTables(conn), paste0(".*",name,factorName,".*"))
if(length(factorCols>0)) {
for(cn in factorCols) {
fctNm <- paste0(name,factorName,cn)
factorTable <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste0("SELECT * FROM ",fctNm))
factorLevels <- factorTable$levels[ order(factorTable$levelKey) ] # sort by levelKey so we maintain a consistent reference category (SQL databases don't guarantee the row order remains the same)
if(dt) {
cl <- which(colnames(value) %in% cn)
set(x=value, j=cl, value=factor(value[[ cn ]], levels=factorLevels))
} else {
value[[ cn ]] <- factor(value[[ cn ]], levels=factorLevels)
} else {
#warning("No factor columns detected.")