迷宮由房間組成,每個房間都有四面 - 北面,東面,南面和西面。每個房間都連接到下一個房間,通過將門打開到所需的一側,即room1.createNorth(roomName)
public class Room {
private String name;
private Room north;
private Room east;
private Room west;
private Room south;
private boolean isExit = false;
private Maze maze;
* @return name room
public String getName() {
return this.name;
* Sets room name
* @param name
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Gets northern room if any
* @return pointer to northern room if any, otherwise <code>null</code>
public Room getNorth() {
return this.north;
* Sets the door to the next room to the north in that room and in the other
* room sets southern door as connecting back to that room
* @param otherRoom
public void setNorth(Room otherRoom) {
this.north = otherRoom;
otherRoom.south = this;
* creates a new room to the north and connects back to this room
* @param name
* of the room
* @return created room
public Room createNorth(String name) {
Room otherRoom = null;
// create new room in that direction ONLY if there is no room yet
if (this.getNorth() == null) { // get northern direction, if it's null,
// then it's okay to create there
otherRoom = new Room(); // create!
this.setNorth(otherRoom); // set the door
otherRoom.setName(name); // set the name
} else { // there is a room in that direction, so don't create a new
// room and drop a warning
System.out.println("There is already a room in northern direction");
return otherRoom;
* Asdf
* @return maze
public Maze getMaze() {
return this.maze;
* Set maze
* @param maze
public void setMaze(Maze maze) {
this.maze = maze;
* @param roomName path to this room must be found
public void findPathTo(String roomName) {
Room soughtRoom = this.getMaze().getEntry();
while (!(soughtRoom.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(roomName))) {
// here should be also a method such as setRoomAsVisited()
if (this.getWest() != null) {
soughtRoom = this.getWest();
else if (this.getNorth() != null) {
soughtRoom = this.getNorth();
else if (this.getEast() != null) {
soughtRoom = this.getEast();
else if (this.getSouth() != null) {
soughtRoom = this.getSouth();
else {
if (this.getMaze().getPaths().isEmpty()) {
break; // no more path for backtracking, exit (no solution found)
// dead end, go back!
soughtRoom = this.getMaze().getPaths().pop();
public String toString() {
return "Room name is " + this.getName();
public class Maze {
Room room;
* helper collection path stack for findPathTo() method
private Stack<Room> paths = new Stack<Room>();
* @return path for exit
public Stack<Room> getPaths() {
return this.paths;
* Singleton method for first room in the maze which is entry room
* @return room if no room is created then creates new, otherwise returns
* already created room
public Room getEntry() {
if (this.room == null) {
this.room = new Room();
return this.room;
return this.room;
這裏是我的主類 公共類主要{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Maze maze = new Maze();
maze.getEntry().setName("A4"); // set first room's name A4
// labyrinth creation
System.out.println("=====Test findPathTo method======");
maze.getEntry().setMaze(maze); // set maze instance to our entrance room
System.out.println("=====End of testing findPathTo method======");
方法,其中f指明通往房間的路線。 如果我進入房間D4,那麼我的算法只從「A4」向東移動到「B4」房間,在那裏它只是無限地循環,而棧僅隨着房間「B4」增長。爲什麼它不能前進到下一個房間「B3」或「C4」?
public void findPathTo(String roomName) {
Room soughtRoom = this.getMaze().getEntry();
while (!(soughtRoom.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(roomName))) {
if (soughtRoom.getWest() != null && soughtRoom.getWest().isVisited != true) {
soughtRoom = soughtRoom.getWest();
soughtRoom.isVisited = true;
else if (soughtRoom.getNorth() != null && soughtRoom.getNorth().isVisited != true) {
soughtRoom = soughtRoom.getNorth();
soughtRoom.isVisited = true;
else if (soughtRoom.getEast() != null && soughtRoom.getEast().isVisited != true) {
soughtRoom = soughtRoom.getEast();
soughtRoom.isVisited = true;
else if (soughtRoom.getSouth() != null && soughtRoom.getSouth().isVisited != true) {
soughtRoom = soughtRoom.getSouth();
soughtRoom.isVisited = true;
else {
if (this.getMaze().getPaths().isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No solutions found :(");
break; // no more path for backtracking, exit (no solution found)
// dead end, go back!
soughtRoom = this.getMaze().getPaths().pop();
System.out.println("Path rooms: " + this.getMaze().getPaths().toString());
添加您訪問該房間時設置爲true的「visited」布爾標誌。在您的回溯過程中,您只能穿過尚未嘗試過的房間。 – 2011-03-21 14:41:31
嗨,謝謝。我這樣做,那是最簡單的方法。 – Skyzer 2011-03-27 12:52:12