2012-01-11 65 views


1. Make the initial cell the current cell and mark it as visited 
2. While there are unvisited cells 
    1. If the current cell has any neighbours which have not been visited 
     1. Choose randomly one of the unvisited neighbours 
     2. Push the chosen cell to the stack 
     3. Remove the wall between the current cell and the chosen cell 
     4. Make the chosen cell the current cell and mark it as visited 
    2. Else 
     1. Pop a cell from the stack 
     2.Make it the current cell 



#define NORTH 0 
#define SOUTH 1 
#define EAST 2 
#define WEST 3 
#define SIZEX 20 
#define SIZEY 20 

using namespace std; 

int nGood = 0; 
int locX = 1, locY = 1; 

void printGrid(char grid[SIZEY][SIZEX]){ 
for (int i = 0; i < SIZEY; i++){ 
    for(int j = 0; j < SIZEX; j++){ 
     cout << grid[i][j]; 
    cout << endl; 

int moveEW(int direction, int x){ 
    if (direction == EAST) 
      return x + 1; 
    else if (direction == WEST) 
      return x - 1; 
      return x; 

int moveNS(int direction, int y){ 
    if (direction == NORTH) 
      return y - 1; 
    else if (direction == SOUTH) 
      return y + 1; 
      return y; 

bool isGood(int x, int y, int direction, char grid[SIZEY][SIZEX]){ 
x = moveEW(direction,x); 
y = moveNS(direction,y); 

if (grid[x][y] == '.' || x >= (SIZEX - 1) || x <= 0 || y <= 0 || y >= (SIZEY - 1)){ 
    return false; 

// check cardinal directions 
if (direction == NORTH){ 
    if (grid[y][x-1] != '.' && grid[y-1][x] != '.' && grid[y][x+1] != '.' && grid[y-1][x-1] != '.' && grid[y-1][x+1] != '.'){ 
     return true; 
if (direction == SOUTH){ 
      if (grid[y][x-1] != '.' && grid[y+1][x] != '.' && grid[y][x+1] != '.' && grid[y+1][x-1] != '.' && grid[y+1][x+1] != '.'){ 
        return true; 
if (direction == EAST){ 
      if (grid[y][x+1] != '.' && grid[y-1][x] != '.' && grid[y+1][x] != '.' && grid[y-1][x+1] != '.' && grid[y+1][x+1] != '.'){ 
        return true; 
if (direction == WEST){ 
      if (grid[y][x-1] != '.' && grid[y-1][x] != '.' && grid[y+1][x] != '.' && grid[y-1][x-1] != '.' && grid[y+1][x-1] != '.'){ 
        return true; 
return false; 

char grid[SIZEY][SIZEX]; 

// init grid 
for (int i = 0; i < SIZEY; i++){ 
      for(int j = 0; j < SIZEX; j++){ 
        grid[i][j] = '#'; 

//init rand 

//init stacks for xy coords 
stack<int> xValues; 
stack<int> yValues; 

nGood = 0; 
int direction = 0; 

    //find n good moves 
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ 
     if (isGood(locX,locY,i,grid)) 

    // if only 1 good move, move there 
    if (nGood == 1){ 
     if (isGood(locX,locY,NORTH,grid)) 
      locY = moveNS(NORTH,locY); 
     else if (isGood(locX,locY,SOUTH,grid)) 
      locY = moveNS(SOUTH,locY); 
     else if (isGood(locX,locY,EAST,grid)) 
          locX = moveEW(EAST,locX); 
        else if (isGood(locX,locY,WEST,grid)) 
          locX = moveEW(WEST,locX); 

    // if no good moves, move back in stack 
    else if (nGood == 0){ 
     locX = xValues.top(); 
     locY = yValues.top(); 

    //if more than 1 good move, push stack 
    else if (nGood > 1){ 

     //direction to move randomly chosen 
      direction = rand() % 4; 
     }while (!isGood(locX,locY,direction,grid)); 

     locX = moveEW(direction,locX); 
     locY = moveNS(direction,locY); 

    // set grid 
    grid[locY][locX] = '.'; 
    //output grid to show creation 
    //reset nGood value 
      nGood = 0; 


//final maze output 
return 0; 

這是一個驚人的問題真棒標題。 – Dennis 2012-01-11 14:36:09



您在isGood功能交換在第一X和Y如果(網格[X] [Y]代替格[Y] [X])。這至少有時會導致問題。


非常感謝,我不敢相信我錯過了這一點 – dhalik 2012-01-13 03:08:28