2010-02-02 75 views

我已經在Windows 2008服務器上安裝了copssh,然後我試圖通過SSH克隆服務器上的存儲空間。但是不管我多麼努力,我都無法解決這個錯誤。這裏是日誌:Mercurial在Windows和SSH配置與Copssh問題

C:\Users\Admin>hg clone ssh://[email protected] 
The authenticity of host 'rafsanjani.ir (' can't be established. 
RSA key fingerprint is 41:a8:41:21:61:1a:67:2c:e8:44:99:6c:63:e7:06:73. 
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 
[email protected]'s password: 
remote: Could not create directory '/home/Administrator/.ssh'. 
remote: Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/Administrator/.ssh/known_hosts). 
remote: /bin/bash: Permission denied 
abort: no suitable response from remote hg! 

我試圖用管理員登錄,但我得到相同的錯誤消息。我還更改了位於C:\ Program Files(x86)\ ICW \ home \ administrator中的文件夾的權限,以便ehsan可以完全訪問此文件夾。


cd /home/administrator/.ssh 
echo test>test 



C:\Users\Admin>hg clone ssh://[email protected] 
The authenticity of host 'rafsanjani.ir (' can't be established. 
RSA key fingerprint is 41:a8:41:21:61:1a:67:2c:e8:44:99:6c:63:e7:06:73. 
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 
[email protected]'s password: 
remote: Could not create directory '/home/Administrator/.ssh'. 
remote: Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/Administrator/.ssh/known_hosts). 
remote: bash: hg: command not found 
abort: no suitable response from remote hg! 

你有沒有考慮在superuser.com或serverfault.com上提出這個問題? – ziya 2010-02-02 22:28:38



copssh的最新版本/ cwrsync cygwin的使用1.7和需要一個HOME環境變量。所以只需添加一個HOME =%HOMEDRIVE %% HOMEPATH%變量,它應該馬上工作。它對我來說:)


我在哪裏添加這個變量?我是一個小新人 – EBAG 2010-02-02 23:55:53


控制面板 - >系統 - >高級選項卡 - >環境變量或右鍵單擊計算機圖標並選擇屬性。這適用於XP; Win2008服務器可能略有不同。 – 2010-02-03 10:50:28