2014-02-28 68 views

我目前在谷歌地圖API3的這個問題上敲我的頭。地圖部分加載在右上角,但是當我刷新頁面時,地圖會完全顯示。 下面是一個例子:谷歌地圖部分顯示


所有父div的具有高度設置爲100%。我相信這個問題與使用Jquery mobile時遇到的問題非常相似。正如你所看到的,我沒有使用Jquery mobile,但是我以相同的方式管理頁面。每個頁面都是一個部分,它們都包含在一個頁面中,並根據需要使用Javascript進行顯示。很明顯,在該部分變得可見之前加載地圖,並且在那裏出現毛刺。任何想法如何解決它? 這裏是我的簡化代碼:http://jsfiddle.net/elektray/V9LxT/1/

/*Script for maps*/ 

    var lat, lon; 

    function onBodyLoad() 
    console.log("subscribing to the deviceready event"); 
    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); 

    function onDeviceReady() { 
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError); 

    function onGeoSuccess(position) { 
    lat = position.coords.latitude; 
    lon = position.coords.longitude; 
    var currentposition = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lon); 
    console.log("currentposition " + currentposition); 
    var mapoptions = { 
     zoom: 8, 
     center: currentposition, 
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN 

    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapoptions); 
    var iconBase = 'images/'; 

    /*Create marker for user current position*/ 
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     position: currentposition, 
     map: map, 
     icon: iconBase + 'my-location.svg' 

    console.log("creating map1"); 

    /*Create marker for walks starting points with info dialog*/ 

    var walk1Start = new google.maps.LatLng (59.32522, 18.07002); 

    var contentString = '<div id="content">'+ 
     '<div class="siteNotice">'+ 
     '<h2 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">Walk1</h2>'+ 
     '<div id="bodyContent">'+ 
     '<p>Prima linea di decrizione ' + 
     'Senconda linea di decrizione '+ 
     'Heritage Site.</p>'+ 


    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ 
     content: contentString 

    var walk1Marker = new google.maps.Marker ({ 
     position: walk1Start, 
     map: map, 
     icon: iconBase + 'map-icon-hover.svg', 
     title: "Walk 1" 

     google.maps.event.addListener(walk1Marker, 'click', function() { 

    /*Script to adjust map view to all markers*/ 

    // Make an array of the LatLng's of the markers you want to show 
    var LatLngList = new Array (currentposition, walk1Start); 
    // Create a new viewpoint bound 
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 
    // Go through each... 
    for (var i = 0, LtLgLen = LatLngList.length; i < LtLgLen; i++) { 
     // And increase the bounds to take this point 
     bounds.extend (LatLngList[i]); 
    // Fit these bounds to the map 
    map.fitBounds (bounds); 

    function onGeoError(error) { 
     if(error == 1) { 
     alert('Turn on Geolocation services.'); 




我沒有看到一個地圖都在你的小提琴? – putvande


小提琴不包含CSS - 但是,嘗試固定寬度和500px乘500px的高度以使地圖工作並從中取出。 –


查看[google.maps.Map resize事件](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference#Map):'當div更改大小時,開發人員應在地圖上觸發此事件: google.maps.event.trigger(地圖,'調整大小')。(如果你真的有地圖大小完全指定) – geocodezip




google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); 


window.onresize = function() { google.maps.event.trigger(map,'resize'); } 

更多信息在Google API Docs - - F3 /查找「調整」