public static void thisClass(int max, int[] queue1, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> aList) {
int[] anArr = Arrays.copyOf(queue1, queue1.length);
... //sorts ints into groups (ArrayList of ArrayLists)
int n = 0;
for (ArrayList<Integer> t : newList) {
String itemS = "";
int total = 0;
for (int index : t) {
int value = index; //isn't returning index of arrayList - its returning the value
if (!itemS.isEmpty()) {
itemS += ", ";
itemS += index + ":" + value; //want it to output "element Position : element Value
total += value;
+1。或者他可以初始化一個變量爲0並在每次迭代時增加它,這對LinkedList來說更好,其中'get()'是O(N)而不是O(1)。 –
這似乎是最有意義的。但似乎我寧願使用'for-each loop',我只是決定不在這個時候跟蹤索引。下次我將確保實現一個'for循環'而不是。謝謝。 – binary101