//import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class filterpanitha {
//public void graph(){
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// First, get the data from a sound file in .wav format into your program
// You will have to modify the following line to point to your own file
// String fileName = "C:\\Huhns\\Teaching\\CSCE145\\Code\\Noise3\\preamble.wav";
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\sudharshan_03713\\Desktop\\audio\\1A5.wav");
// Next, print the sound to find out its length in samples
// The following two methods calls get the value of a sound sample at
// index 1000 and then set its value to half of the original.
int index = 1000;
int value = file.getSampleValueAt(index);
file.setSampleValueAt(index, value/2);
// The following loop sets every sound sample to be twice its original value
for (int n = 0; n < file.getNumSamples(); n++) {
value = file.getSampleValueAt(n);
file.setSampleValueAt(n, value * 2);
// Listen to the sound
當我運行請幫助其說不可編譯的源代碼 - 錯誤的符號類型
哪條線是41線? – 2013-05-27 07:06:14