2016-11-25 69 views


function sentenceCase(string) { 
    var n = string.split("."); 
    var vfinal = "" 
    for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { 
     var spaceput = "" 
     var spaceCount = n[i].replace(/^(\s*).*$/, "$1").length; 
     n[i] = n[i].replace(/^\s+/, ""); 
     var newstring = n[i].charAt(n[i]).toUpperCase() + n[i].slice(1); 
     for (j = 0; j < spaceCount; j++) spaceput = spaceput + " "; 
     vfinal = vfinal + spaceput + newstring + "."; 
    vfinal = vfinal.substring(0, vfinal.length - 1); 
    return vfinal; 


var str1 = 'he always has a positive contribution to make to the class. in class, he behaves well, but he should aim to complete his homework a little more regularly.'; 

Returns >>> He always has a positive contribution to make to the class. In class, he behaves well, but he should aim to complete his homework a little more regularly. 


var str2 = '<span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> always has a positive contribution to make to the class. in class, <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> behaves well, but <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> should aim to complete <span class="pronoun possessive">his</span> homework a little more regularly.'; 

Returns >>> <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> always has a positive contribution to make to the class. In class, <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> behaves well, but <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> should aim to complete <span class="pronoun possessive">his</span> homework a little more regularly. 


編輯:爲了澄清 - 輸出應該仍然保持元素 - 他們只需要在考慮上層的句子時忽略。


你的輸出應該包含HTML元素,或者它應該被刪除像你正在尋找他 ...或者只是他......... –


可以消毒該字符串在傳遞給函數之前: 'string = string.replace(/ <.*?>/g,'');'這將刪除HTML標籤。 – sideroxylon


對不起 - 澄清 - 輸出仍應保持元素 - 當考慮上層套管的句子時,他們只需要被忽略。 – user6790086



這不是一個小問題。純粹使用正則表達式的做法是bad,因爲您可能會陷入毛病並弄亂事情--JS regexp根本不足以處理完整的HTML語法。


var str2 = '<span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> always has a positive contribution to make to the class. in class, <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> behaves well, but <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> should aim to complete <span class="pronoun possessive">his</span> homework a little more regularly.'; 

function capitalise(html) { 
    // HTML DOM parser: engage! 
    var div = document.createElement('div'); 
    div.innerHTML = html; 

    // assume the start of the string is also a start of a sentence 
    var boundary = true; 

    // go through every text node 
    var walker = document.createTreeWalker(div, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, true); 
    while (walker.nextNode()) { 
    var node = walker.currentNode; 
    var text = node.textContent; 

    // if we are between sentences, capitalise the first letter 
    if (boundary) { 
     text = text.replace(/[a-z]/, function(letter) { 
     return letter.toUpperCase(); 

    // capitalise for any internal punctuation 
    text = text.replace(/([.?!]\s+)([a-z])/g, function(_, punct, letter) { 
     return punct + letter.toUpperCase(); 

    // If the current node ends in punctuation, we're back at sentence boundary 
    boundary = text.match(/[.?!]\s*$/); 

    // change the current node's text 
    node.textContent = text; 
    return div.innerHTML; 



這是一個很好的解決方案 - 謝謝。 – user6790086


的另一種方法 - 如果分裂與<開始,找到以下關閉>的第一個字母,大寫字母替換它。即使有多個標籤,這也可以工作。

var string = '<span class="pronoun subjective"><strong = ">95">he</strong></span> always has a positive contribution to make to the class. in class, <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> behaves well, but <span class="pronoun subjective">he</span> should aim to complete. <span class="pronoun possessive">his</span> homework a little more regularly.'; 
var n = string.split("."); 
var vfinal = "" 
for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { 
    var spaceput = "" 
    var spaceCount = n[i].replace(/^(\s*).*$/, "$1").length; 
    if (n[i].trim().charAt(0) == '<') { 
    var first = n[i].match(/"?>([a-zA-Z])/)[1]; 
    var firstCap = first.toUpperCase(); 
    var newstring = n[i].replace(first, firstCap); 
    } else { 
    n[i] = n[i].replace(/^\s+/, ""); 
    var newstring = n[i].charAt(n[i]).toUpperCase() + n[i].slice(1); 
    for (j = 0; j < spaceCount; j++) spaceput = spaceput + " "; 
    vfinal = vfinal + spaceput + newstring + "."; 
vfinal = vfinal.substring(0, vfinal.length - 1); 


不適用於' 95%」>此不起作用.'。獲得正則表達式來正確地做到這一點並不重要。 – Amadan


公平的電話。更新爲允許關閉'>'或'「>'這可能不是一個理想的解決方案,但是如果輸入是一致的和可預測的,那麼也許更簡單的方法可以工作。 – sideroxylon