John Doe,123 Main St,400.00,01/01/2016,
Jane Doe,124 Main St,300.00,01/01/2016,
John Doe,123 Main St,,01/03/2016,200.00
$lines = file('data.txt'); //here's the filename
<table id="historytable" width="640" border="1">
<caption>Billing & Payment History
<td width="40">Tenant</td>
<td width="40">Address</td>
<td width="40">Date</td>
<td width="40">Rent</td>
<td width="40">Payment</td>
$search = $_POST["name"]; //assigning a string to each piece of input data
// Store true when the text is found
$balance = 0; //assign initial value to balance
$renttotal = 0; //assign initial value to renttotals
$received = 0; //assign initial value to received
$found = false;
foreach ($lines as $line) { //this is the loop to read the txt file
if(strpos($line, $search) !== false)
$found = true;
list($a,$b,$c,$d,$e) = explode(',', $line); //this assigns a variable name to each data item separated by a comma
$renttotal+= $c; //each time it loops, it gathers the value of c adding it to itself same for the two lines below
$received+= $e;
$balance = $renttotal - $received; //subtracts the final value of renttotal and received assigning the difference to balance
$line_array = explode(",", $line); //breaks each piece of data apart to be placed in a table }
echo "<tr>
<td width=40>$a</td>
<td width=40>$b</td>
<td width=40>$c</td>
<td width=40>$d</td>
<td width=40>$e</td>
<BR />
<BR />
<p>TOTAL RENTS CHARGED $<?php echo "$renttotal"?><br />
TOTAL PAYMENTS RECEIVED $<?php echo "$received"?><br />
BALANCE DUE $<?php echo "$balance"?></p>
說實話,我似乎不瞭解你的問題。需要比較哪些字符串?另外,不要命名你的變量'a','b'等等,試着給它們更容易理解的名字,比如'$ name','$ address','$ amount'等。因此,你很可能會理解你的代碼在三個月內也是如此。 – Jan
感謝您的回覆。這些變量僅僅是在我完美地調整編碼之前讓所有的東西都能正常工作。至於比較 - 用戶提交一個表格與租戶的全名到$ search = $ _POST [「name」];名稱。搜索data.txt文件中的所有實例的名稱(現在爲$ search)。當完全匹配時,它應該返回表中的全名,地址,租金,日期和付款。我希望我能正確解釋這一點。我想我可能在這裏有什麼問題 - if(strpos($ line,$ search)!== false)。再次感謝。 – SharonF
如果「Jane」是輸入到$ search的輸入,編碼只會匹配正確,但如果它是「Jane Doe」,它將不匹配。 – SharonF