using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class NewAnimController : MonoBehaviour {
public Slider scrubSlider; //This is the slider that controls the current position of the animation. Values have to be 0 to 1 for normalized time of the animation, called later in the script
public Slider speedSlider; //This is the slider that controls the playback speed of the animation
public Animator animator; //Animator that is attached to the model that we are looking to control the animation of
public float playbackSpeedAdjustment = 0.5f; //This is a variable that can be easily adjusted to change the total playback speed of the animation. If it's too fast make smaller and vice versa
public Text currentDateText;
public int monthsInProject;
private float rememberTheSpeedBecauseWeMightNeedIt; //Float needed to keep the speed of the animation between pausing and playing
public void Update()
float animationTime = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime; //float a new value animationTime that is equal to the animators animation state then converted to normalized time
//Debug.Log("animationTime (normalized) is " + animationTime); //logging the normalized time to be able to store it for the scrubbing slider. Doesn't need to be logged for this to work, good to log it to make sure that it's working
scrubSlider.value = animationTime; //making the slider value equal to the now logged normalized time of the animation state
public void ScrubSliderChanged(float ScrubSliderchangedValue) // this value has to be floated so that the scrubbing slider can be attached to in the inspector to be able to change the current frame of the animation
animator.Play("Take 001", -1, scrubSlider.normalizedValue);
public void SpeedSliderChanged(float SpeedSliderchangedValue) //value is floated to be able to change the speed of the animation playback
animator.speed = speedSlider.normalizedValue * playbackSpeedAdjustment; // here the speed is multiplied by the adjustment value set in the editor just in case the playback speed needs to be changed outside of normalized values
public void UserClickedPauseButton()
if (animator.speed > 0f)
// we need to pause animator.speed
rememberTheSpeedBecauseWeMightNeedIt = animator.speed;
animator.speed = 0f;
// we need to "unpause"
animator.speed = rememberTheSpeedBecauseWeMightNeedIt;
public void UserClickedBackButton()
scrubSlider.value = scrubSlider.value - (1f/monthsInProject);
public void UserClickedForwardButton()
scrubSlider.value = scrubSlider.value + (1f/monthsInProject);
public void UserClickedStartButton()
scrubSlider.value = 0;
public void UserClickedEndButton()
scrubSlider.value = 1;
'NewAnimController'不是好名字的傢伙。應該像'Scrubber',也許。 – Fattie
對於使用Slider的人來說,這將是一個非常有趣的問題,所以我編輯了一些不相關的代碼塊。好的 – Fattie